6116 results found
Waiting for web-store integration :)
Super helpful for online + in salon inventory.
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3 votes
Redemptions of vouchers contained in a sale under Products or History should denote that those were being used and from which
Example: Package has 3 of something in it, on history show 1/3 used 2/3 used 3/3 used; on product history show dates of redemptions.
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Limit what schedules can been seen by other employees
Create the option for service providers to view other service providers schedules, but with the ability to select who they can and cannot see.
I have certain service providers that need to be aware of certain resources/service providers that are on the schedule, but not the whole company. Both in the APP and Dashboard.
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Some way of clearing all future scheduled hours from a point on.
Useful for cleaning up someone's schedule. Especially with new multi week cycle schedules, it might make sense to erase and start anew for cleanliness which is next to godliness :P
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Ability to see who manually removed balance from the package, a timestamp will help.
As our clients always prefer to buy packages, mostly, we need to manually apply it to an appointment that has been done. It would be nice to have a transaction history or timestamp who did the actions and also maybe an option to effortlessly apply it to an appointment and not having to manually remove it from the balance. Thanks
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3 votes
Allow Employee to clock in for specific shift.
It would be great to allow an employee to clock in to a specific shift if they are hired to complete different jobs in the salon. For instance we have stylists that start with our company as an Assistant, Front Desk or Stylist and each job may have a different pay scale. This would allow a more accurate payroll report to pay employees by.
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3 votes
Fix "Add On" tab in the Service Option
When Selecting the Service and going to "Add On" within that service you should be able to select from other services and providers that offer additional service as a add on with out have to re create the service. It should also be report able in reports. This should allow clients booking to select add on services from different providers and prices. Would be super helpful for up selling services with in the salon. Please fix.
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be able to cancel out when booking online
alot of clients are saying that they are not able to back out of there order online status, that they need to erase history in order to start over, there should be more of a "x" icon on the right and then says "are you sure you want to cancel your order"
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Have a nickname that is used for clients to see
We have some stylist with the same name so we have nick names that clients know us by sometimes. What i dont like is the stylist first and last name is being posted on the online booking feature, which really shouldnt be allowed. We need to have though a first and last name in order for the payroll service to process payroll.
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Control over booking times that appear first
We were able to use booker to optimize times that don't get that busy or control how many appointments appear when a client wants to book. We would like to be able to control what times are out as options first when a client sees appointment times. we should have the ability to first offer the times that customers don't book as often to be the kind of first times that become available
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Make closed tickets darker
When looking at the closed tickets some of the colors assigned to the staff make it harder to see at a glance what is closed. Darker closed tickets would make it more obvious.
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Control the order forms are displayed to clients
We created a from for clients to approve electronic signatures and would like to control that form being the first form they see/complete, before moving on to the rest
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sort purchase history by date including year
Andrea Martinez's purchase history isn't sorted by month/year and dates are jumbled so it's difficult to track and audit. Also noticed this with James Jeffrey. Both clients are members at the Gilbert location.
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Commission Reports - Column for Override totals
Separate column for commission override totals. We need to track by department so with staff that work in multiple departments we need a quick way to see separate commission override totals
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Option to push updates to all locations
Would like a way for those of us Spa owners, who have multiple spas, to have a way to have a Manage tab that applies to ALL on my locations. Versus each site individually. For instance, if i bring in a new product. I am likely bring it in to both spas at the same time. Yes, I have to manage that separately for each locations. Extra key strokes = more time and more errors. Perhaps two options to Manage spa, versus Manage ALL spa's?
Or in general, when adding a new product, make it automatically available at all locations…
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Waitlist - Ability to see who added it
This account is looking for the ability to check if someone added themselves to the waitlist or if they were added by a staff member.
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Setting to support employee name truncation in all client-facing features
Setting to truncate employee name to first name, last initial in online booking and outbound client communication for privacy purposes
3 votes
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