6091 results found
91 votes
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2 votes
When entering a new product, when you choose Category, Categories should be in abc order.
when you enter a new product, you need to scroll down to find the category, the categories should be in abc order. We waste time looking for the category we want.
13 votes -
Add adjustment capabilities for tips for renters who don't have a merchant account
I am in need of a way to deduct the merchant fees from tips for stylists that are renters. We aren't able to use separate merchant accounts because I also take a small percentage for miscellaneous overhead and using separate accounts doesn't allow for that commission deduction. It would make it easier to just have it auto-deducted instead of me having to calculate that every pay period.
1 vote -
Optimization of Staff Break Period
It would be great for the system to suggest the best time for staff to take a break each day based on bookings, number of hours worked that day, and length of break desired. We currently have to move staff breaks around as apointments book in order to generate the most bookings while also allowing for a lunch break for the team.
4 votes -
Make client pronouns more visible on app main screen
It would be very helpful for the stylists at our salon to be able to see clients' preferred pronouns on the app, without having to click into the client's profile to see that information. This information is visible on the desktop calendar view, but the stylists view their schedules on their phones.
11 votes -
Notification when client adds booking notes
If a client adds a note to an appointment they've booked it would be nice if we could be notified so we could check to see if there are any special instructions or requests. Sometimes a client will add a note to an appointment for something that we don't offer so it'd be nice to let them know as soon as possible.
51 votes -
Ability to make services NOT assignable, not even manually overridden
At current turning off assignable means services can still be booked manually.
I think it should be that under bookability that it is two part, bookable by us and bookable by client, then assignable mean literally whether this service can be placed on the provider's schedule or not. The distinction at current is wishy washy and allows too easy of a bypass.
6 votes -
Allow upside-down portrait mode rotation
Due to the charging setup for our iPad, apps must run in upside down portrait orientation. The Boulevard app does not allow this, as it forces portrait mode to the right side up. Please add support for upside down orientation!!!!
4 votes -
Better way to deal with notifications in the dashboard
When someone self books or joins a waitlist there is a number added to the bell in the upper right. We check every notification, but sometimes there are quite a few. When there are more than 4 or 5 it becomes a pain to check them as you have to scroll to each one. This becomes a real pain if there are double digit notifications. Is there a way to either check them off as you click on them or maybe keep the drop down on the screen so you don't lose your place as you're looking at them?
5 votes -
Make Timeclock Error Messages Clearer
You guys released an update today to prevent overlapping timecards, but now it has removed the other error messages like "clock-out time is before clock-in time" that the system used to have.
Now whenever something is wrong when clocking in or out, we just get "Unknown Error" which is not helpful AT ALL.
Please fix this.
4 votes -
Massage Medical Legal Document Tab
For legal and organization of client medical documentation which is required by the state. Having a separate tab available to document and research all client previous massage sessions
4 votes -
Upload appointments into personal calendar
For freelance services provides it would be great if they can take an appointment text and upload that appointment date and time into their personal calendars so they get reminders.
3 votes -
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