6091 results found
Adding a Product tab on the main bar
We need an option on the main bar for "Products" that automatically takes us to a list of product inventory and enables us to do a PRICE CHECK by scanning the barcode.
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Add adjustment capabilities for tips for renters who don't have a merchant account
I am in need of a way to deduct the merchant fees from tips for stylists that are renters. We aren't able to use separate merchant accounts because I also take a small percentage for miscellaneous overhead and using separate accounts doesn't allow for that commission deduction. It would make it easier to just have it auto-deducted instead of me having to calculate that every pay period.
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Membership payment options
Give the business the ability for a client to pre-pay a membership, to pay one month in cash, make a payment for another member as a gift, apply gift cards to membership payments etc.
11 votes -
Waitlist Notes
You can not edit notes on the waitlist if the date a client requested is in the past. Sometimes our staff misses these requests or a client will request to come in a day we are closed. Our salon likes to write notes such as, "Left Voicemail 12/01" but if a client requests to come in on Sunday (when we are closed) & you do not notice until Monday you cannot add a note that you "left a voicemail" since the requested appointment time is now in the past. This use to not be an issue. I would LOVE if…
7 votes -
Online Booking Alerts Within a Certain Time Frame
Receiving alerts within a 4 hr window from when the stylists starts their shift would be awesome. They don't want the online booking alert on for everything because they receive a ton of messages from it. If we could have it for just a certain time frame it would be very helpful.
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Print gift card option
Printable gift certificate/gift card option.
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Would be very helpful to highlight certain clients so they are prioritized
We carry a long waiting list so this would make certain clients stand-out
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2 votes
preferences for advance notice for bookings per provider
Some employees may want to not let people book them without a week notice, and some may want only an 8 hour notice. This should be adjustable per service provider. Right now, this rule is just tied to the location.
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Scan Inventory In and Out
Would love to be able to use the barcode scanner to "scan in" and "scan out" inventory. So as you scan an item it adds to the number received.
23 votes -
Increase beta report service filter lists.
The beta report filters for services only include the first 50? services offered. My list stops at the letter "F" I wanted to see information on Olaplex services, and I am unable to filter to them because the "include" filter stops at F. Please allow us the full capacity for filtering these reports.
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Some visual element that shows if an email of a client is tied to a password-made account so we know which email to use when merging.
Right now if a client has multiple accounts and they don't make passwords for one account but did for the other email, we have no idea which one should be the primary to merge. Also we have no way of knowing what emails are tied to accounts
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