6091 results found
1 vote
Consultation booking over phone, I'm a receptionist.
Right now there is no way to book someone for a consultation.
What I do is "block time" then enter a description of "Consultation - Jane Doe", & then I also book a "miscellaneous appointment" so that the client will get something on their end.
Simply adding "Consultation" to the list of options would be a great help.
It would also look a lot cleaner than these two chunks side by side, & it would save time, & it would be more legible.
I can understand how people booking consults online could be undesirable, but for we receptionists to be…1 vote -
Set calendar time settings for each day individually
Our hours during the week (10-8) are much different than Saturdays (8-3). We have a ton of open space during the week in the morning and a ton open on Saturdays in the evening. If a stylist who doesn't normally works Saturday sees open space until 9pm she may book a client at 4 or 5 not knowing we close at 3!
Also would be nice if the days the salon is closed it say "Salon Closed" or something!
3 votes -
Purchase Order should update cost based on goods received
Cost of POs are currently based on order quantity regardless of quantity received. The calculation should update based on goods received so that POs match up with invoices. (And this is another reason why POs should be more editable for adding products after being created, as well- so they match the invoice!)
5 votes -
Authenticate Email Addresses upon account creation
Please require valid email addresses in accounts. For example if someone uses an incorrect ending @gmail in stead of @gmail.com that should be flagged by boulevard prior to completion. This is causing issues with our data syncs.
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2 votes
See employee name on the calendar
We have a lot of service providers and multiple locations, when looking at the calendar you only get to see the first letter maybe two of the staff names and the photos are very small. We would love the ability to have the full name of the staff pull up when you hover, not click your mouse over their photo.
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2 votes
staff summery report to include service charge column
love that you have a report that shows a snapshot of our week. could we please include a column that shows what our service charges were so we can better figure out our potential pay for the week
1 vote -
See it first, make that note
Sometimes all you have to do is make a note and be done. So how about we just open up our client, click their name and the ADD A NEW INTERNAL NOTE is right there???? how wonderful, skip the scroll till yrs past.... save the time!
1 vote -
Icon that shows clients that self booked. Also report that indicates how many clients over a range of time have online booking set up.
It is important for businesses to understand the growth in use of these Blvd features to measure adoption and identify progress. My salons are gearing up for charging clients no-show fees and trying to get as many clients online booking or with payment profiles set up, but not being able to understand how many clients are actually eligible for this process that we already state exists in salon and through online booking still means that choosing "when" to start this is a gamble. Ideally we were aiming to start this once we are at 75% adoption.
If there was an…
3 votes -
Be more mobile friendly when you are not using the professional app
As a salon owner, im constantly loging into my admin account to check the status of the salons, i wish there was a way to have boulevard run on a mobile friendly version, rather than desktop. things are way to small to see and hard to navigate through.
13 votes -
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1 vote
Staff member icons could show up next to available appointment times.
I love the feature that supplies best times when booking appointments in order to maximize efficiency on the schedule. It would be a nice feature though to have either the names or the icons of available staff members pop up next to those times. This way, if a client has preferences on who they see or don't see, the receptionist doesn't have to go back and forth on the screens/tabs in order to choose the right appointment time. Could also be useful for shops that handle booking by seniority, balance of appointments, or some other metric.
1 vote -
**urgent need** Orders and appointments need to be linked
It is so hard to tell what orders attach to which appointment. There needs to be a way to link the two. Maybe link the two with the order number.
4 votes -
Option to sign up for the waitlist through online booking without selecting a time
Rather than provide timeslots for clients to add to the waitlist, it would be useful to have them simply sign up or have to call the business to be added to the list
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2 votes
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?