Option to automatically remove transition or finishing time when multiple services booked

Brenna Smith commented
Automatically remove transition time from additional services if the first service booked has transition time in order to not take up additional time in the schedule.
Jamie Kim commented
When service A and B are booked ie. Haircut and Color, there should only be 1 finishing time after service B is complete. On the booking widget, remove finishing time from service A when it is booked with another service that also has a finishing time.
Daly Wolfe commented
Because of COVID we need to add sanitation time to the end of each appointment, but if it's tied to the service then you could potentially be adding 30m -1h of unnecessary transition time to a stylist day and cutting down on availability for bookings
Jamie Kim commented
When a client books 2+ services with transition times on each, the booking widget should allow client to book the second service at the start of the transition time of the first.