6091 results found
member-specific pricing within online booking
Requested by: 4Ever Young (45 location prospect)
1 vote -
custom receipt emails based on tags or audience
Requested by: 4Ever Young (45 location prospect)
2 votes -
Multiple cancellation fees built into specific services
multiple cancellation fees built into specific services
Requested by : 4ever Young (45 location prospect)
5 votes -
Feature Request : auto-reschedule appointments when staff call out sick
Prospect : 4Ever Young (45 location prospect ; franchise)
Feature Request : auto-reschedule appointments when staff call out sick
2 votes -
Privilege Group Addition : enhanced security lock out USB drives; remove ability to download files
Prospect : 4Ever Young (45 location prospect ; franchise)
Feature Request : Under Advanced Forms (in privilege groups) - request to separate complete, print, archive, or add notes as separate permissions to help ensure data loss prevention without authorization
1 vote -
Collapse client notes in mobile version
Client notes listed can get lengthy when added to every appointment. It would be helpful if the notes would collapse and just show the date, then allow us to click on the date to expand each note.
3 votes -
Number counter for mark ups
Would be great to have a number counter on mark ups screen. As a med spa that does a high quantity of neurotoxin, having a counter to double check units w/b very helpful. I understand this number would not be connected to inventory or front desk check out (which w/b ideal), having a counting system would also help prevent lost revenue.
10 votes -
blocking "create/modify own appointments" for specific services
blocking "create/modify own appointments" for specific services
1 vote -
Desired Quantity in Inventory on Hand report
An option to have "desired amount on hand" in the "inventory on hand" report
3 votes -
Notes section
It would be great if we can have the notes section show the most recent one at the top. We use this section for formulas and it is confusing to see the old one at the top.
3 votes -
Offer Code Limit x times per time frame
Offer Code cap per clients is great! We would love the ability to limit 1 time per quarter for an offer as well. Instead of having to create a new offer code each quarter.
3 votes -
Privilege setting for all notifications from boulevard. This way a business can deny notifications to a group.
When we let go of someone (or they quit) we have to leave them active for at least a month so that the appointments are on the calendar view so we can move them while also notifying past clients that we're moving them over to a new stylist. We change the terminated staff to an "inactive" privilege group so that they can't use boulevard. But unless we remove their notifications, they will receive booking sms still. If there was a privilege option to deny or approve all notifications that leave the boulevard ecosystem I would be much more in control…
2 votes -
Events should have "all day" option (similar to ICal)
Birthdays/holidays should be shown on Boulevard calendar similar to ICal. shows the event but doesn't block time.
3 votes -
Before/After Photo Ghosting
Have an overlay "ghost" of the before photo so you can get the exact angle for an after photo. Or a ghost template for photo angle consistency
46 votes -
4 votes
Remove pronouns unless requested.
This should be an option not a hard set field that can not be removed.
4 votes -
be able to book 4/6/8 weeks on app
Have the ability to choose +4/+6/+8 when booking on the app.
2 votes -
package credit/voucher - making packages
I saw that packages can now be applied as a credit which is great but the vouchers really need to be taking out the cost of services before the employee split.
Also, we should be able to put a custom package together at checkout instead of having to pre-make every package. We customize packages for clients all the time. It could be like we pick which services we want them to have, have them pay and it puts a credit on their account for those services only, or a voucher for each service, but the voucher needs to take out…
12 votes -
Alternative service suggestions during self booking
when a client requests an appointment, for example, 60 minute facial and 60 minute massage
Instead of just showing no availability on that day, I'd love a feature that says "Hey we can't accommodate a 60 minute but we do have a 30 minute opening today, would you want to take that?"
4 votes -
online appointments
when reviewing online bookings, once the appt is checked it automatically marks it reviewed. Over the weekend we have an influx and then have to keep scrolling through them to find where we left off
2 votes
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