Printable List of all client's future appointments
We have some clients that like to book out for 6+ months at a time. It would be great to have an option to print out the whole list of future appointments as opposed to only one at a time so the client can add them to their calendars.

Christy Pedersen commented
When a client asks for a print out of their appointments, there is no report accessible to easily print out one. This would be a great option to have available.
Dan Spanogle commented
it would also be helpful to be able to easily print all past appointments, and all previous purchases (Orders)
Ben Stevens commented
We copy their upcoming appointments from their client profile screen and then paste (text only) into a word document formatted for our receipt printer and then print from there. It isn't ideal, but we can usually get their upcoming appointments printed out within about a minute.
Stacey Conlon commented
We have older guests that book out but are not comfortable going online and would love to have a printed schedule, or one that can be emailed.
Pattie Pruitt commented
It would be great to be able to print out clients upcoming appts
Britney Wagstaff commented
YES- this is so important. We have to take a screen shot, crop it and then print it for the guest when they ask. We have guests that book out years in advance and some of them are elder/ do not use an electronic calendar so they must have a paper copy.
Ben Stevens commented
We have a word document formatted to the size of our receipt printer and copy/paste the appointments from their profile. You must paste as plain text, and then you need to do a little formatting. But, a pre-made solution would be wonderful. I would love for it to have variable formatting so it could be set to print on my receipt printer.
Jeremy Shieh commented
I could see this being useful for clients that are tech illiterate or perhaps would like to create a hard copy. But I think it is advantageous to keep iterations of a client’s bookings to remain dynamic data to prevent inconsistencies in changes made.
Jessica Weintraub commented
To be able to email or print clients all their upcoming appointments without having to screenshot, edit and send from outside boulevard
Alexandra Howsden commented
Definitely important - we have clients book a year out and want their appointments sent to them.
Brenna Smith commented
Have the ability to email a client a list of all of their future appointments.
Kelly Beaurain commented
We have a lot of clients that request a print out of all of their standing appointments.
Carmen Omiste commented
I particular book for my location numerous VIP'S that book a year plus in advance with 3 to 5 a week appointments. Emailing a list of their appointments to their assistants so they can add them to their calendar.
Stephanie Zahariadis commented
alot of our guest have a ton of different standing appointments with different service providers and frequently ask for a print out to keep track of their appointments
Rachel Kennedy commented
For those clients who are booked out for the year want to see a print out of all their appointments. This would be very helpful.
Emma Mastrocola commented
The ability to print out all clients future appointments for them when they book for the year.
Daly Wolfe commented
We have quite a few clients in the salon that book out for the year, so a feature to be able to quickly print out a client's standing appointments for the year would be super helpful one day.