6091 results found
Reminder to use a voucher when paying
If a client has a voucher in their account that would cover a service on their ticket when checking out it would be helpful if it could give a prompt or message that it existed.
Example - A client has a voucher for a 60 minute massage in their account. Staff tries to pay for the session with a credit card. Boulevard would say, "It looks like <client's name> has a voucher for that service. Would you like to use it instead?"
18 votes -
Inventory Counting System
A combination of our inventory adjustments and inventory on hand report. When doing inventory, the ability to add in what is counted, before making the adjustment. Being able to see what was counted vs. what should be in the inventory. A step before making the actual adjustments within Blvd.
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Blocking Multiple Providers at Once
It would be great if we could choose more than one provider to block time for (ex: staff meetings) etc as opposed to blocking time on each provider individually.
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Front Desk Reporting
Reports that show how many upgrades/per-booked services the front desk staff booked. As well as a report to show all appointments broken down by appointment type that they booked.
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Visual Analytics- being able to see the last 2-3 years against eachother
I would love the ability to see some of the sales data in a chart or graft. This is especially useful when comparing data over the years.
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Being able to cancel a service
If clients have multiple services and decides to cancel one(same day cancellation), there should be an option that allows us to cancel only that service so that it would be shown in their history.
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Text customization on review requests
We would like the option to modify the text in the Review Request window. This will allow us to redirect our Clients to other platforms in which to leave a review. Such as our google profile.
Currently, the review request redirects to boulevard and we would like an option to customize this.
17 votes -
Regarding the new review platform, I see some improvements over previous iterations. However, the ideal configuration would be a direct prompt to a review platform of our choice, such as Yelp/Google. Once the customer spends generous time reviewing us internally on BLVD platform, they are unlikely to follow prompt for additional posting. We are essentially cannibalising our own reviews by using this feature.
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Zoom in on photos in Prof App
The ability to zoom in on photos within the professional app
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Charts Markup (text box & zoom)
Add text boxes and zoom feature to Chart Mark up feature
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Make referral source mandatory
Where new clients come from is critical information to understand. Currently, referral source isn't a mandatory field to complete a profile and I think it should be! Our team constantly forgets or skips asking this and it's lead to tons of profiles without a referral source. If it's not mandatory then it should be a warning when creating a profile.
In an ideal world this would be a backend setting "make referral source mandatory"
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Waitlist on Mobile
The business would like the ability to view the waitlist on the mobile app.
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Unenroll Clients From Loyalty Program
We should have the ability to unenroll clients from the loyalty program.
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guest of hilight
When a client books a 'guest of' when we hover over the appointment, both appts should light up so we can see they are together....
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Search in Contact Center Messages
It would be helpful to be able to search for certain messages within the Contact Center.
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Loyalty Points - Redemption Options
This account is asking for the ability to pick the amount of points being redeemed at the time of checkout as opposed to it redeeming all points available Example, from client: "Our struggle is we have some clients that are frequently in the salon but don't have any loyalty to a specific provider. They could end up with a free service due to a lot of accumulated points and the "lucky" provider they had that day takes the hit."
Offered a work around for the time being.
17 votes
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