6141 results found
QR Code for employees to clock in
Vagaro had a feature that was very useful with timekeeping; they had a unique QR for each employee and they could clock in and out by simply scanning their QR at the front desk. This feature made it much easier for employees and the front desk.
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Relocate Internal Note Option in professional app
Would like internal note option above existing notes so you do not have to scroll past years of notes
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check in via the app
Being able to use the app to check clients in. Unfortunately our internet can be a little spotty and sometimes I'm only able to work using my phone. It would be great to check clients in directly in the app instead of having to sign in on my browser.
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Call Reporting
We love the functionality of the incoming calls. I would like to pull reports on the number of calls received and number of calls picked up/not picked up.
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Review of Marketing Billing & Effectiveness & Metrics
I'm all for paying for the marketing expenses, and love the idea of the marketing suite. However, I believe the billing system is unfair. It's set at $2 for each email SENT.
At one point, two of my daughters and my sister received services. I only levied a $30 product fee on my sister, and I didn't charge my daughters. However, I was billed for marketing emails sent to them, even though they never opened or read the emails.
I only know this because I was curious of the marketing metrics and had to reach out to Boulevard to obtain…
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Allow location managers to reactivate employee accountss
Allow location managers to reactivate employee accounts
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Don't allow products with an inventory quantity of 0 to be sold
Don't allow products with a current quantity of 0 to be sold or have a pop up that warns that the quantity is at 0
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add products to the client booking portal
When a client is booking their appointment online, they can add products in their appointments (this can help the client remember what they need and see new products, also help the front desk know that the client needs these products at their appointment... and we can place an order if we are low)
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Multiple barcode for products
Occassionally manufacturers will alter or update an items barcode for their own reasons. Businesses are placed in a strange situation where although the product is largely the same (size, color, volume, formula) but the packaging has been altered so that the barcode is different or the name of the product is slightly different.
Remaining stock needs scannability with the old barcode, but new stock needs the new barcode. Having the ability to have both scans register as the same product would make the transition seamless for staff requiring only input of this into the product details if it were possible.
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Privilege/permission settings for SKUs + Offer Codes
We have some SKUs and also some offer codes that we only want managers or our CX team using but there's no way to protect that in the dashboard. Right now, we will put "Managers Only" or "CX Only" in the name of a product or offer code but that can be a weird experience for clients and also makes it hard to enforce that only certain employees should be using them. It would be really nice when creating products and offer codes to be able to select which privilege groups can access them
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Ratings apart of Reporting
The business would like appointment ratings to be apart of reporting so they can get an average and view as a whole rather then per location.
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Require verification step for email address where marketing emails are sent from
With previous email marketing systems I've used, the marketing emails will come from our general email address and there is a verification step in which I'd add SPF records on the back end of our domain manager. This helps with emails not being sent to spam and with images not being hidden for certain users.
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Instagram Handle
Currently on client profiles, you have the ability to note a clients Skype profile (in all honesty, who even uses that anymore) but it would be great to be able to add the clients instagram handle to their client profile card as well.
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Timecard Real Time
Hi! Is there any chance that we can have the timecard give the hours worked by day and for the week as the time adds up in real time? This way our hourly staff that need to hit certain hours can plan accordingly. Thank you!
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Allow for scheduling 2 appointments at the same time ON THE APP
it scrolls ahead or behind 5 minutes no matter how you try to correct it. You can do it with no problem on desktop. The app keeps changing it.
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Send online booking for my schedule only
Send online booking for my schedule only. Where it only shows my availability and not everyone else’s. This way I can send a link directly for my openings
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3 votes
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