It is so important for SEO to have lots of online reviews, especially on Google. If someone leaves a positive rating, they should be taken to Google, Yelp, or Facebook to finalize their review for being published online. If they leave a negative review, they should be given a screen that says something like, "We are sorry you had a less than positive experience. We will do what we can to make this right." Then, we should be notified if there is a negative review. This way, we can remedy negative outcomes without them being published online, and the positive reviews always get published. There are other services that do this, but it should be built in. Thank you!
Lori Regimbal commented
I agree, texting a link will allow for clients to post quickly as the experience is still fresh in their mind and our still feeling to results from the treatment.
Sinead Norenius commented
And please make this simple for clients!! Allow them to simply copy and paste the feedback they gave so they can populate it on Google or Yelp. Asking clients to rewrite what they JUST wrote is not a great experience and causes friction. Since reviews are so critical to businesses please BLVD - make it easy for our clients to do so! :)
Angela Cui commented
Also review links should be texted to clients as well. People don't like doing this over emails
test test commented
yesss please!!!
Becky Rasmussen commented
My Time does this....come one BLVD!! And you could pick what rating and up goes to google. Its an amazing feature
Mackenzie Fribance commented
It would also be really nice if new ratings would trigger the notification on the bell (like for new bookings) to proactively notify the business that a new rating has been received - it would be super beneficial to be proactively notified immediately upon receipt of a new rating.
Chery Taylor commented
I would definitely like the auto publish and notifications of negative reviews. I don't think negative reviews shouldn't be posted. That's very dishonest, if you're a crappy business people should be able to let other people know. That's the whole point of reviews. We should have the opportunity to make it right and the client should be able to change the review
Sophie Guattari commented
Or a link to Google, which is a lot friendlier.
Beret Loncar commented
One of the things I am always a little confused about is how pos systems do not take into account that this should be a money-making beast. It HAS to not hijack reviewers and turn them into internal reviewers only. That costs a business real money. If your going to have an internal review system it has to copy paste to google.
Matthew Danna commented
Follow up a half hour after their appt. " Thank you for coming in and letting us customize a facial for you" Can you please rate your experience? 1-10. If the client responds with an 8 or more, they get a link to yelp.