Profile pictures for Clients
Pictures next to client's name to reckognize who they are and how they like their service

Lou Clark commented
For Med spa's, this is part of their HIPAA compliance work flow. This allows them to confirm the person standing in front of them is in fact the client they are treating
Jenna Bisk commented
It would be great if the client could upload the photo themselves
Adriane Jahnke commented
It would be incredibly beneficial to have a way to see the client's profile picture on their profile to ensure the person is who they say they are. In addition it's good customer service to greet people by name as they come in.
Tanya Patron, PA-C commented
Is there any update on when this will be added to the top of the list? This is very important for MedSpa services.
Tanya Patron, PA-C commented
This is required for healthcare providers for identification purposes.
Tori DiMichele commented
Each client have a profile pic
Rick Vencill commented
Please add this function. We would love to be able to have a profile pic for each patient. Thanks.
Maggie Crager commented
We would love it if we could upload a profile picture for each individual client so we could put a face to a name.