Ability to copy info from previous chart into a new chart
Many intake forms are very similar with a lot of the same information and small variants between. It would be super helpful and time saving to be able to duplicate a form entirely, or at least be able to copy/paste the components between two forms.

Rhonda Martin commented
For example, a client's previous weight that was captured in the system; it would be helpful to have this auto-capture in the next visit.
Myodetox (enterprise prospect) also would need this.
Stefanie Magee commented
This would make life so much easier. So many of our appointments are repeat visits, plus this would be a way to document meds/supplements/PMH/PSH each visit since we are unable to connect some of those fields.
Beret Loncar commented
This is a rather standard health care thing....This should be built just because its standard practice. Its like leaving legs off a table.
Rebecca Bialas commented
I would like to be able to duplicate a chart from one I've already signed. For example, I am seeing a patient for Botox, who I already saw 3 months ago and signed a chart on. I would like a button to "Duplicate" the chart from that 3-mo-ago visit, so I can edit it to reflect any changes we make at the current visit, but any other information that is still pertinent is carried forward!
Joanna Hooten commented
This would be so helpful for all medspas who have repeat clients getting similar procedures
Alexis Mitchell commented
For recurring appointments with the same client, it would be great to be able to duplicate a past chart and it be editable as if it were an unsaved chart so we can add changes if anything is updated. This would save us so much time and create more consistency in our charting and practice.