Bulk editing on services, products, inventory
Bulk editing on services, products etc would be beneficial and save a lot of time.

Laura Selby commented
ability to modify scheduling order in bulk would also be tremendously helpful
Jim Black commented
completely agree with all below - It would be so nice to be able to export services or products (all fields) to excel, modify parameters and re-import and have them all update accordingly. Item by Item is tremendously tedious
Lou Clark commented
Ability to assign services to providers in bulk.
Mike McAuley commented
I would like the ability to see more data columns in the products section, be able to add/remove columns so I can quickly see how each product is configured. For example, something like whether it is enabled for Online purchase I would have to go in one by one and check to see if that checkbox is set or not. On the same note, a bulk edit feature to enable/disable specific things for many products.
maghan morin commented
Yes, This needs to be implemented ASAP Especially when assigning for the same employee but at different locations.
Courtney Frigid Cryo commented
I would love to batch-edit everything such as a blanket business charge on services, or anything that can be changed that way. Even moving them to different categories and such. Everything takes too long to edit.
Matt Alleman commented
The current process for adding or editing services for employees is so clunky and time consuming. You have to click Customize on the far right, then click the appropriate checkboxes in a pop-up in the middle of the screen, then you have to scroll down within the pop-up to reveal the Update Service button, then you have to go back to the far right of the screen and click on the next service and repeat the whole process. We often have six options per service so adding a new one and then adding all the employees is a slow process. Surely this can be reworked to have everything visible on one screen so you can update everything at once.
Brenna Smith commented
Ability to disable products from being purchased online in bulk rather than having to go through each product.
Ben Stevens commented
Options for bulk management of products and services would be very welcome. Something like the Shopify csv upload process where you can upload changes.
it is much faster to do bulk actions in something like Excel or Google sheets, so then Boulevard doesn't have to build new software for that, just a method to handle our uploads.
I would even be good with something that takes place overnight (upload by 10:00 pacific and it will be processed by 6 am) so then it isn't trying to write to the database while lots of other changes are happening.
Rick Vencill commented
After spending over an hour adding a add-on to all of our services (something that should only take a minute and one-click), this desperately needs to be added.
Receptionist (BROOKLINE) commented
It would be much more efficient to be able to edit services without having to click on each one individually. We updated all our pricing recently, and had to go through each location's services individually to edit them.
Brenna Smith commented
Ability to delete multiple products at the same time.
Rachael Arnold commented
Please include the ability to check multiple forms to add to the service instead of having to go into each form to add it to the new service!!
Jessi Vaillancourt commented
Billy C commented
Been screaming from the rooftops about this one for a while.
Griffin Sutton commented
Adding the option to mass edit "add on" services instead of having to go into each service. This would make adding, removing, and editing add on services significantly easier.
Matt Alleman commented
It would be much quicker to onboard a new employee if we could assign whole service categories at once and then remove individual services in that category as needed. We have over 50 individual services so it isn't exactly streamlined.
Parizad Patel commented
Bulk uploads to save time:
-Mass uploading of new products
-Mass updating of existing products
-Mass updating of inventory quantities when orders have been received
Our team has been doing the above items manually at the moment. We would save a lot of time by allowing users to do these advanced actions in the interface.
Billy C commented
It's absurd that something as simple as mass editing has not yet been implemented. Option groups should be able to be created and applied to multiple services to be edited one time. Having to duplicate each option group for every single service and double check every one to make sure they were all edited is unbearable and inexcuseable this day in age where every database can be edited in that fashion easily. Tasks can take an hour when they should take less than 5 minutes. And single changes could take seconds instead of minutes.
Option groups is the main issue but other things such as selecting a bunch of services and bulk applying a transition time, etc. These are rudimentary features that I can't beleive are still missing.
I distinctly remember the salesperson saying by the end of 2020 Boulevard should have all the features you would expect from other platforms. This one is a glaring oversight and creates a LOT of friction when making menu changes or adjusting anything.
Daly Wolfe commented
Aside from inventory adjustments, also be able to mass edit: Desired quantity, product name, unit cost, etc… Makes it so easy to know where you're at instead of bouncing between screens