6100 results found
3 votes
2 votes
Pre-select Locations, Services, Professionals
Use unique link to pre-select or bypass screens on the booking experience
6 votes -
1 vote
Superbill send out for insurance reimbursment
What needs to be included:
Business Info - address, phone, email
Service Provider + Tax ID
Clients name / info
Date of service
Area for Itemized section of service provided including treatment codes and diagnosis codes
Total amount paid
Last 4 digits of card used.7 votes -
Show Linked Group Appointments Better
Sometimes multiple patients book appts to come in together as a group. When they reschedule it wastes a lot of time, it would be more time efficient if we had a "linking" option or a Group Appt option, something like that... so they could be recognized as a "unit" and maybe we would be able to just book and reschedule them in one go. Just a thought.
38 votes -
not offering more than one stylist
hey so we absolutely do not want our clients to try to book for a color cut service with their regular stylist and have it offer a color with them and then offer a haircut with someone else. We do not clients booking with multiple stylist and most important dont want to offer them to see someone other than their regular chosen stylist!
2 votes -
Group checkout
The ability to group checkout into one payment - ie family members in different appointments checking out together.
Thank you :-)
10 votes -
Remove "(Optional)" next to the create a password/account when purchasing Package+Memberships.
They should be required to make an account when purchasing a package and makes the booking process way more streamlined, It also would make it one step shorter by cutting out the process of re-adding card info when creating an account after purchasing a package separately.
2 votes -
1 vote
3 votes
2 votes
1 vote
Promo code reporting
how many used, by who, etc...
4 votes -
1 vote
2 votes
4 votes
Add Overtime Tracking to Timeclock Reports
Would probably require some "Settings" for how overtime is defined
19 votes -
4 votes
Lead Management
Ability to respond and manage leads
12 votes
- Don't see your idea?