Superbill send out for insurance reimbursment
What needs to be included:
Business Info - address, phone, email
Service Provider + Tax ID
Clients name / info
Date of service
Area for Itemized section of service provided including treatment codes and diagnosis codes
Total amount paid
Last 4 digits of card used.

Ariana Kaveh commented
Please please implement this!
Beret Loncar commented
Ahhh we would love this too! Some of this would be easy to set up by allowing us to put the license number and NPI in on the back end for our providers as well as just having the tax id and npi of the biz present on the receipt.
You already have a place on the receipt to add details, we would just then put in the diagnosis code, modifier, in-office code, and treatment code.
If you ever start targeting acupuncture, yoga therapy and other wellness svcs...this would be needed. We use this for FSA and HSA as well. But even w/o adding a whole separate invoice, medical offices should have the ability to put in the lic and npi of their providers as well as the npi and tax id of the biz- for MOST that is enough for fsa/hsa. pls reach out if you want a sample super bill.