Improve Booking Notifications Management (Bell icon)
When clients book online, we check each appointment to ensure it it booked correctly. The problem we have is when we open them with the bell icon, there could be over 70 appointments and we are not able to mark them as read individually, which makes this process longer than needed and leaves room for more errors if an appointment is missed. If there is a way to mark a single appointment as read, rather than mark all as read, it would be very helpful.
Layla Parker commented
It would be great if we could click on each individual appointment that's booked online and the notification for that gets cleared individually instead of having to go through all online bookings and possibly losing the place you were on just to have to clear all the notification's at once.
Matt Alleman commented
This partially involves some other ideas with booking notifications.
It would be more convenient if there was a better notification, like a pop-up, for new appointments booked online. A lot of our time is spent on optimizing appointments and micromanaging them to maximize the number we can squeeze into a shift. The little bell in the upper right corner isn't as useful because it's clunky to navigate and deal with the individual appointments. Ideally, we're managing these appointments close to when they were booked so we can add in breaks and meal periods as well as move them if necessary to make room for other appointments.
Our issue is we offer sessions that vary in length so there isn't a clean way to schedule a day on a recurring basis. Giving us a better notification system so we can deal with it in real-time would be ideal