Business Intelligence Dashboard
A dashboard that shows whats happening in a business. Have it show a quick look at sales, clients booked, etc. that could be pulled from reports. Attached are screenshots of the look/idea.

Rick Vencill commented
Just popping back in to bump this up. As I go into my daily reports that I created, it's a constant reminder of how much the reports are still so frustrating. I don't understand why there isn't a live feed of the daily sales and other key metrics. 99% of the time when I go to my daily sales they're incorrect. I have to hit refresh and then select the day for them to correctly populate. It's enough to make me daily cherish our days with Square and their POS.
Jacquelyn Rodriguez commented
This is a HUGE deal and so many other systems have this feature but we don't yet
Lexie Engel commented
This is very critical. They need to look at MindBody and how they pull reporting, this is a HUGE deciding factor.
Doug Colquitt commented
Migrating from Meevo who has this capability & would love to see this in BLVD
Jeremy Shieh commented
Conceptually a custom report would contain multiple datasets in a custom format.
A Daily Summary, Weekly Summary, Monthly Summary which I believe almost every business would use would be:
Range of dates
Total Sales
Subtotal Services
Subtotal Tips
Subtotal Products
Subtotal Taxes
Subtotal Gift Cards
Subtotal MembershipsPayment Method Subtotals for each payment type
Transaction feesGrouped by Service Provider Type
Service Provider Type 1 Total Services
Service Provider Type 1 Total Products
Service Provider Type 1 Total Tips
Service Provider Type 1 Total hours Scheduled, utilized, actual hoursIndividual service provider Type 1 employee 1 services, products, tips
Individual service provider Type 1 employee 1 Total hours scheduled, utilized, actual hours
Individual service provider Type 1 employee 1 appt #, new clients #, repeat clients #Repeat for each individual employee, then repeat for each SP type and then each of those employees.
This report should handle nearly all payroll needs but also will provide easy snapshots that can be used for KPI analysis along with providing the staff reports they need for their own verification of payroll without providing them nitty gritty client or individual sales data.
Report should be able to be run for any range of time, and also any staff (each staff can run their own, manager can run all, department heads run their departments, etc).
Disclaimer that data is only available up to the previous day, to cut down on resource usage. Easy explanation to staff would be... payments are reconciling on backend, so no current day data is available until transactions resolve.
Alexa Erickson commented
The business would like the ability to run multiple reports and be able to merge them together within the dashbaord since all of the report data can not be ran in one report.
Summer Layton commented
Mindbody has an Analytics feature that I LOVE. It gives service sales, retail sales, attendance, memberships, online bookings, first visits, sales year over year, adjustable date settings, adjustable by location, active members year over year, and attendance year over year. You can see by month and year and compare it to other years. It is one of my favorite things about Mindbody that I will miss. BLVD does not have a way we can view in graph or chart form, and BLVD does not have a way I can compare year over year or month to month or even day by day...It is frustrating I have to pull multiple reports and then put the information together myself. It really is not okay that you all have not utilized a similar feature.
Rick Vencill commented
We really need a way to view the KPIs for the business. It would be great to have this as a dashboard within the desktop version and APP. Rather than buried in reports, it would be great to have access to these.
Rick Vencill commented
It looks like this was added a long time ago. I feel like this needs to be added yesterday. We need a business dashboard that shows a snapshot of key metrics. Things like NET sales, Gross sales, transactions, number of people seen, cancellations, etc. Ideally I would like the ability to customize the data that is pulled. Thank you, Rick