6123 results found
A place on Blvd that shows staff phone numbers so that we can easily call them instead of refer to outside lists.
This would be automatically updated as all staff need to have Blvd accounts and anytime staff depart we deactivate them. It being available from a button somewhere (perhaps the staff pulldown menu on Calendar and Front Desk View having an item called Staff Contact List).
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"Archive all" for closed messages
Create option to "archive all" closed messages and create "open", "closed" and "archived" message buttons
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View more closed text conversations
You can only see about 30 closed text conversations right now. These can often consist of almost all confirmation texts. It would be very useful to see a much longer history in case a conversation was accidentally closed and you need to get back to it.
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Boulevard Duo for Windows PC and/or Android compatibly
Would be great to be able to use Boulevard on all our devices
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Easy way to export a CSV of all employees with active/inactive status
Easy way to export a CSV of all employees with columns to show what their account status is
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Ability to Edit Confirmation Copy
Would be great to be able to set our own confirmation copy so we can add in specifics such as parking info.
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Add a field to Client Visit Frequency report
In the Client Visit Frequency report, please add a column for the 'service type' (short cut, long cut, etc.)
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Bell Notification when Walk-in is Booked
The business wold like to be notified with a notification or a sound alert when a walk in is made on the iPad
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Option to enter notes on loyalty point updates
The business would like it to be option to enter in a reason on why loyalty points are being updated. They are trying to save as much time as possible.
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Show client their total price on Ipad and allow them to select their gratuity there
Previously with the reception app we were able to discreetly show our clients their total via the Ipad and allow them to select their gratuity there and then ask them for their card to charge the total. Now with Duo we have to vocalize their total, ask for their card, run it, and then show them the Ipad where they can select gratuity.
Some of our services we offer are over $4,500 so I feel it is much more classy to discreetly show them their total rather than announce it - especially since we are a relatively small salon where…
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2 votes
Improved Tag Settings
Control if a tag can be set on the profile level, appointment level, or both. For example, we have a tag for group appointments but it sometimes gets added to a client's profile instead of just the one appointment
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flag guests missing email
Flag guests who are missing email and phone number
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Remaining vouchers or product units in new appointment window
It would be beneficial to be able to see how many vouchers or product units a client has available to be redeemed when making a new appointment instead of having to fully open their profile to view.
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Please eliminate the cash draw from being opened when reprinting an old receipt. Reprinting can be done at (any time) and theft can occur.
Please eliminate the cash draw from being opened when reprinting an old receipt.
Reprinting can be done at (any time) and theft can occur.2 votes -
Ability to select multiple orders at once
Have the ability to select multiple orders at once to delete in bulk.
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2 votes
Have Forms Specific To Certain Artists (Employees)
Because our artists are independent contractors some would like to have varying protocols (ex a 48 hour cancellation policy vs our usual 24 hour cancellation policy) for certain services. It would be beneficial to have forms able to assign to certain artists appointments rather than to service specific so we don't have to make all new services just for one form.
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2 votes
Organize reports within locations
wants to organize reports for each locations to save the views they use the most
2 votes
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