Make the chat box moveable on the screen. Huge help!
When using the chat/help feature I have to exit out while I am helping customers. I would much rather be able to move it around. I have used this in other platforms and really liked it.

Folklore Salon & Barber Team Xx commented
Allow help chats to be minimized in the lower right corner of the screen so that they can be more easily opened and closed between assisting customers
Allison Trey commented
AND allow us to have a signature in the box without having to put our hours in every message
Brandon Stucki commented
Allow someone to move the chat box anywhere on the screen and do not lock it to a fixed position. This has caused issues where trying to do things behind the chat box impairs the ability to work with support and solve the problem.
Tyan Burnett commented
Jeremy, now that you mention different locations I agree - it is different for every business that uses Boulevard.
Just in general it would be nice to have the message pop on the screen so we don't have to flip back and forth between scheduling/messaging - then the whole message disappears and it's annoying! lol -
Jeremy Shieh commented
Love it! but many blvd clients have locations that are not in the same metros as each other and having the messages cross to other locations would only cause confusion. Also instead of a pop up at bottom, I believe a better UX would be to have a bubble come out of the Message tab itself that would persist until dismissed along with a snooze button to alert user again in ~5 min or so.
Tyan Burnett commented
When a client messages through Boulevard - preferably from any location. It would be nice for a small chat box to pop up at the bottom of the screen (no matter what page you're on) so you can see the message immediately without checking the message tab. Then we would be able to minimize the chat box and search the schedule if need be instead of going back and forth between screens and the message disappearing before sending it.
Melissa DuBois commented
I would like to be able to keep the chat box open when maneuvering around the dashboard. It currently is locked in place and gets in the way.