Clients can see price range (or hide price) when booking online
The business wants the ability to add symbols such as + or - when entering the cost. For an example: $40.00 is the list price but they want it to say $40.00+ as the cost may be more then what is being shown

Rachael Scotti commented
Service pricing varies depending on the stylist performing the service and the client's hair type/length/density. It would be helpful to be able to post the price as $100+ to indicate a starting price or $100-200 to indicate a range that way clients will be more prepared when they book their services.
Jeanne Foote commented
Ability to customize booking widget to hide (disable) service pricing when viewing services to book, but keeping it visible at checkout
Jasmine Saucedo commented
ability to turn price transparency off for online booking
Alexa Erickson commented
The business would like to be able to enter a price range for specific services rather then a set price.
Adrienne Reed commented
Take CC for online booking regardless if a price is not listed. I hate that I have to put a price to take a CC.
Adrienne Reed commented
Its really frustrating to not be able to put in a range for priceing and forced to put a specific price to capture Credit Card info. I think BLVD should take clients CC without a service price being put in the online booking checkout. Additionally the reason why I dont like this is becasuse it creates a false expectation of pricing that needs to be adressed with the client. Not everyone in the salon charges the same prices so If we could put in a healthy range 350-400 or 350+ it would cut down on having to explain or comepete with team members. Additionally We should be able to capture CC without putting a price at all.
Jeremy Shieh commented
Many businesses charge by a starting at price or a range. The current setup does not cater to either and gives customers a preconceived notion that the prices are flat and set. The workarounds are adding verbiage to the description or even service name to denote that things are variable. Even when this is done it requires staff to be vigilant to amend the prices prior to checkout, if anyone is even paying attention.
For some services, time-based or supply based variables are taken into account to determine pricing which at times are only assessed at checkout. Forcing a verification from the software if the service was booked as $A-$B, or $C+; "Please enter the final cost to the customer for this service." This would provide a catch all for this.
Ultimately it would be extremely useful if service providers could report if $B or $C are an exception through their Blvd professional app before checkout so that the process seemed seamless for the customers and front desk staff.
Everyone would make more, and the business would be more professional.
Brenna Smith commented
Be able to set a pricing range for services in the booking widget
Brynne Travis commented
So important for when they book online, our industry is so dependent on what is going on in the hair already to determine price that it is not a one size fits all
Griffin Sutton commented
Allow online booking to show starting prices. For example "$100+" or "Starting at $100"
Karla Mejia commented
Hide pricing on widget or allow price ranges so clients are not upset about consultation estimates being higher than on widget.