Please allow services to be sold as package/vouchers with more than 1 session. Not every package requires more than 1 visit, and vice versa.
There should be an option to let any service be sold as a package > 1-10 sessions. Note very package we have requires more than 1 session, and some packages require more than 1 session. Adding this option to the service menu - instead of products only - would fix this problem.
Bart commented
Hi - I've been using BLVD for two weeks now and can already see some issues that need fixing.
Please allow services to be sold as vouchers automatically. Most of our services are 6 or more sessions. It is a bit wild that we need to manually add vouchers for each customer to redeem it at checkout. If a customer buys a package of 6 treatments, those 6 vouchers should be auto applied to their account.
Membership Contracts. I need to be able to have a form sent out when a person buys a membership prior to paying for it.