Forms and Charts Reporting
Hey folks! This idea has a lot of different requests in the comments, but some of your needs were addressed by today's release: schedule view.
As of today, you can now view any day's schedule from either the Front Desk or Calendar views in Dashboard. The schedule allows you to filter the day by the forms' statuses to keep track of which appointment still have incomplete forms. Learn more here and enjoy!
David Vu commented
A report that will show us any appointments missing charts
Also requested by the following orgs :
Hydration Room
Dolce Vita Wellness -
PUR Life Medical, OVME, US Dermatology Partners, and Relive Health also request this. (All strategic prospects)
reportable expiration dates on forms
- Requested by 4Ever Young (45 location prospect
Bryan Mulligan commented
would love the possibility to look back on the data that is entered in charting
Ragan Long commented
It would be extremely helpful to be able to export this data so that it can be analyzed, e.g. the 'how did you find us?' field in patient intake forms. same with being able to see fields like 'occupation' or 'DOB. Even if it needs to be anonymized for HIPAA compliance. Right now I am having to download the pdfs of the forms myself manually to check these fields and it's slow and tedious.
Severian Saint H. commented
A Simple Form is created to asking if client would like to join our newsletter.
NEEDED- A report that can read field datasets from completed forms w/Associated Client or Service Provider