Blocked Time Report
The current timeblock report is not user friendly, doesn't give staff names, no date picker etc. Would like to easily be able to identify time block reasons and lengths for providers as well as view deleted time blocks, including which employee created and deleted them, and when.
Ciro Averhoff commented
We'd like a feature or report to view edited or deleted time blocks
Brenna Smith commented
Ability to search for blocks under the Calendar tab
Alison Turka commented
We need to be able to view deleted time blocks, including which employee created and deleted them, and when. We have compliance issues with some employees creating time blocks to prevent bookings and then deleting the blocks once the appt time has passed, and then it looks like an appt wasn't booked for no particular reason, even though it was the employee's doing.
Ryan McDonald commented
It would be helpful to have a report that we could run showing any/all/specific blocks that have been put on the appointment calendar for a given timeframe. For example "Blocks" April 1-14, then anything labeled as SICK we could use to apply sick time, etc...
Nicole Jordan Hubert commented
A report which shows how many blocks/how much blocked time each stylist has used so we can better manage vacation reporting/management.