Ability to "Request to Book" Appointments Online

The Ability to request an appointment so the stylist can approve or deny the appointment.
Lindsy Palmer commented
The ability to have client request an appointment for online booking and the stylist has to approve it before its actually scheduled
Jeremy Shieh commented
I definitely see the advantage of this for appointments that potentially require:
Forms/chart completion
Consultation requirement
Product purchase, or package purchase
Staff resource availability checkup
Payment procedure requirement(s)For these otherwise complicated appointments, there would be multiple reasons how this could benefit both clients and businesses. I imagine in the same way checkout is a "flow" to get clients through it with understanding they are moving through steps to checkout, that there is a similar flow to these special appointments:
Choose services, date, provider < payment collection/deposit < forms/acknowledgements/waivers < data collection on client history related to appt < consultation if necessary and date/time assignment < intended service date/time approval < appt < checkout flow
Matthew Goyco commented
when client books the have to wait for approval for the booking to be completed
Michael Drasche commented
It would be a nice feature to allow certain parameters in regards to booking appointments that require a manager approval.
For example, if someone books an appointment on the schedule but it overlaps an existing appointment. Or if there's a specific service that requires data to be received before the appointment can be confirmed.
Brenna Smith commented
Option to accept or decline bookings made online through the booking widget.
Cassie Sunderman commented
Having the stylist be able to confirm that the client actually booked the correct things so that it doesn't break up their appointment into individual appointments if they didnt book it in the correct order for example booking a balyage first and adding a toner add on instead of the just the toner as an actual appointment so it doesnt break up the appointment and put it between other appointments already booked.
Kacie Perelli commented
My old booking system allowed for this to toggle on/off. It allowed us to review the appointment to make sure enough time was booked out.
Heather Elsner commented
We have a lot of issues with people online booking and giving our stylist huge gaps or not booking correctly. Now we do call them to adjust but sometimes they complain that the slot was open and it shouldn't be moved. So maybe there's a way it won't be booked officially until we approve it?
Samantha Irwin commented
When I used square clients couldnt automatically book. They could see openings and request the time but we had to approve the appointment. so if it wasnt enough time for the client it could be adjusted
Ella Ciamacco commented
At our salon we want to have full control of the schedule but want people to be able to see the pricing of stylists and book what they would like at their own leisure. I would love a feature that people can book but the appointment wouldn't be finalized until a support staff member approved it or changed it to make sense on our end!