Lunch Break/Blockout Option Built Into Schedule Section.
There should be an option to add a lunch break time and duration while building out a staff's daily or weekly schedule. Currently you build the schedule in Manage>Schedule then have to go to Calendar and add a time block for lunch. Too much clicking and back and forth. Leaves room for errors if schedules are posted on going and lunches/block outs set reoccurring are till a set dated or number of weeks.

Jennifer Lee commented
I have no idea BLVD doesn't have an option for lunch breaks and why this topic isn't upvoted more. Are other salons not giving their staff breaks? It's so tedious to make a recurring block every single day for every service provider.
Alexa Green commented
I wish we could add breaks in a faster way that allows me to combine ex: I add a break period at 11:30 everyday but choosing what days I want this break to happen vs. going through each day on the schedule to input the break
Caitlin Gokey commented
It would be great if from the scheduling section we would be able to schedule breaks from the section instead of having to manually book breaks every day from the calendar view.
Jen Gandino commented
When editing a timecard, you should be able to add in a break and BLVD should deduct that break time from total hours.