Keep no-shows & late cancels on the books for utilization purposes
When we no show a client or they late cancel, it's removed from the service providers books. That effects their utilization. Preferably it would stay on the books (if there isn't time to get another client in here) and be checked out as late or no show with or without a fee. Also, if it was color coded differently to accentuate it on the schedule, that would be ideal.

Christin Curry-Pokryfki commented
Our therapists get paid for no shows and having the appointment completely removed combined with not having the no show anywhere in our reports makes it difficult to keep track and ensure our therapists get accurately compensated for their time!
Jennifer Lee commented
This is so important for businesses! There should also be somewhere on the client's profile where we can easily see the number of No Shows the client has had.
Lisa Lee commented
Time slots change color for when we have a no-show client. When our barbers are looking at their schedule, they can properly know which of their clients were a No Show, and so when those clients look at our schedule they can see when they didn't show up.
Erin Moser commented
Feature for no call/no show to NOT be deleted, so there is record on the books that a client did not show up.
Vanessa Brooks commented
We often can't remember the name of who No Shows and appointment, and it would be great to keep them on the calendar, but when they are closed out and charged to highlight their No Show with a Dark Red. In addition, having an alert pop up that a no show was recorded within their history to notify the receptionist to verify card on file.
Shelby Hoelting commented
Make a check box at the top of the calendar that you can check when needed to see appointments that have been canceled. They appear when the box is checked and disappear when its not checked.
Vennessa Ortiz commented
I love and appreciate all these ideas, a NO SHOW column would be great. We currently shrink that appointments and move them to the end of the book but I wish they would just stay there after canceling/charging them.
Anita Rabie commented
the cancel and charge wouldn't allow another client to book unless its too last minute to fill. we should have the NO_show show up in their profile so that we know about their booking history. other scheduling systems ive used allows us to rate the clients bookings whether they show up on time or no show. we can rate them and can limited them from booking online. must go through receptionist for future bookings
Chery Taylor commented
it should say late cancel or No show in their history even if you give them a warning and don't charge them.
Alissa T commented
Leaving the no show on the books will keep someone else from booking that spot. However we’ve used a booking system in the past that files all no shows into their own category.
Rick Vencill commented
This really needs to be added. There is no way of knowing why there is a blank space on the calendar. Even if you know that it was because X person didn't show, etc. If you click on their profile there is no record of it.
Julie Esparza commented
We create a block in that appointment time with the title being "guest's name - NO SHOW"
This helps us figure out what happened during that opening. Yes it is an extra step but it works for our salon -
Cesar Torres commented
I agree but if you leave it on the calendar you should have the option to drop a walk-in into that slot as well.
Lindy White commented
When clients no-show, we click that for the cancellation reason, but it doesn't show in their history.
Jodi Hansen commented
We agree, we like the no show to stay on the calendar & not dissappear. At the moment, the way we work around that is we have created an appt called NO SHOW/LATE CANCEL. We edit the appointment from whatever service it was booked as & change it to NO SHOW/LATE CANCEL (you have to edit the time as well) then it will close out the appt to zero dollars & keep it on the calendar. Has been helpful until we get another solution.
Gale Wolfe commented
When a client is a no show we would like a better way to manage it on the calendar. When you mark the client as a no show it removes it from the calendar. Then we have no idea who it was because it disappears from the calendar. Yes, we can see it in the individual profile, but it would be helpful if it stayed on the calendar. When you mark a no show, leave it on the calendar, but change the color so we know who was there! Add a column on the front desk for no shows. But leaving it on the calendar is easier for us to understand what IS happening or WHAT happened to all the appointments. If I don't see there were appointments that were no shows on the calendar, I wonder why we have holes in the schedule. Please leave No Shows on the calendar!
Orlando Ortega commented
when looking at the clients history there is no way to see if this was a charge for a regular appointment or no-show/late cancel charge. Perhaps make it in red as well.
Jeffrey Na commented
Keeping no shows on the calendar would help the business easily track the no shows for the day. In my opinion, it would help to keep the no show on the calendar, but mark it as a different color when the business marks the client(s) as a no show. Do not remove the no show from the day's calendar.
Chris Funderburk commented
We despearately need a way to mark someone as a no-show client.
Addi Diller commented
Late cancellation and no show appointments that are charged to the guest are showing as "completed" these should show as late cancel or no-show so that we have correct records.