6116 results found
Please add a place to put a photo to identify the patient
Please add a place for a profile picture to easily identify the patient when the walk in the lobby
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Option to downgrade or upgrade memberships instead of cancel and restart
Option to downgrade or upgrade memberships instead of cancel and restart
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Have a date on the entered client notes
It would be useful to have a date showing on the entered client notes within the clients profiles, instead of "A Year ago" as an example.
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Group booking two providers
We would like group booking to allow selection of two providers in addition to automatically blocking times off.
Currently, we have to block these times manually for the second provider. This would save us time.
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Allow for rearranging on calendar
I want to be able to rearrange services on the calendar and NOT have to change the specific times in the edit screen to flip flop service times - please allow for some feature when dragging appointments on the calendar where you can switch which service is first and easily move it around on the calendar screen. Please and thank you.
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account credits
It would be nice to have Account Credits be specified to certain products or services. For example, there currently IS a field in their profile that says "redeemable on" and the answer is always "everything." You cannot change what it can be used towards (i.e. redeemable on "peels only" or "Botox only") as Boulevard is currently configured.
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Hidden Package Links
Ability to create a hidden package with a shareable link to clients in a segmented email. They can open it and purchase, but you can't see it on the website/online booking overlay otherwise.
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automatic text for missed calls
I'm a sole owner/practitioner and have the main line to the compnay routed to my cell phone. However, it will sometimes get listed as SPAM or missed while I'm with clients and therefore lose potential leads. It would be great to have a feature that we can opt in to where any missed incoming calls get sent a text message letting them know we are busy/if they have any questions/etc so as not to miss out on business.
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We noticed our clients who usually call to make an appointment, when they make their first online appointment, BLVD creates a new file for them. This is confusing for a number of reasons but also not having merged history and appointment notes makes it super irritating.
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Inform Clients on SMS Communications of “NO PROMOS” option
Inform clients of "NO PROMOS" option when the "STOP" option is offered. This will help with retention.
Additionally, when Clients text STOP it hinders our ability to two-way message. If No promos was offered, I think this would help. Thank you!
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client/appointment notes show up on staff schedule print out
when you print out a staff members schedule of the day, it would be helpful if their client/appointment notes printed on the schedule as well
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edit client notes
allow client notes to be edited instead of copy/paste and delete old note
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allow products to be part of membership or packages
With the option to create a customized care plan package, products need to be allowed as part of the package, like vouchers and account credit
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Ability to make your synced google calendar private to co-workers
Right now, if you sync your google calendar, it blocks off those times in your schedule. But the whole office can see every item in your personal calendar- it does not appear to co-workers internally as just a block. It only appears as a block to clients. Please fix this asap- No one else needs to know when I'm at the dentist or my kid's school play.
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Personal Calendar Integration Options
It would be helpful for us to have the ability to block certain staff members from viewing other staff members synced calendars.
Additionally, a privilege group that would allow us to provision this would be great.
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Ability to customize Marketing email
We would like the ability to utilize an email from a custom domain for email communications other than the "@marketing.blvd.me" domain.
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When booking online we would like to know where we got the lead from.
We need to know where we are getting our leads from so we can adjust our marketing budget accordingly. ie google, yelp, facebook, etc.
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after so much time, comments in appts start disappearing. I would like to see comments from all appts.
On the history tab where we put our comments/notes for the visit, after so many visits they disappear and we are unable to look back at those notes.
Maybe add a next page button so we can still have record of all appt notes.2 votes -
Mandatory Client Detail Fields
I would love to see us collect more data, I want to be able to mark client details fields as mandatory - this would also allow us to build better audiences. For example First Name, Last Name is mandatory but also we want to make birthdays, phone numbers and emails so that patients can be contacted for reminders or marketing etc.
I need this to hold my staff responsible for collecting it as well.
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Ability to separate appointment editing preferences within privilege groups.
Separate the ability to add/modify: service, products, service date & time, etc.
2 votes
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