Report detailing occurrences of price adjusting that do not fall within offers or discounts so that businesses can monitor this “workaround”
Unless I comb through each sale, there is no way to understand if staff are potentially handing out adjusted prices which in most cases diminishes income. I strongly believe staff understand this is a way of hiding their dirty work from management in some cases. The loss revenue for businesses is completely unmonitored at present. Increased revenue from price adjustments also should be scrutinized since targeting upcharging to certain clients could potentially land businesses in hot water.
I believe all price adjustments can be listed for any given service provider for any given period. I think the service provider should be listed of course, and “who” was logged in that performed the adjustment, (to assign dual or more blame). Dates and time stamps. It is also worth noting was the adjustment performed as it can occur in any phase (booked, arrived, active). The data of “when” staff are doing this may yield interesting information.