Booking alert when service providers/resources are double booked or unavailable
Our staff member has double booked on their schedule accidentally and we are wondering if there is a way to receive a pop-up alert notifying our staff that they already have an existing booking on their calendar for the requested time.
Would help to prevent anyone from double booking on their own calendar!

Kerry Gentile commented
In an office where multiple providers are using the same device, it would be beneficial for the system to flag that a device is not available should scheduling try to book it with another provider at the same time.
Shawn Vogt commented
If they cannot monetize it, it won’t get fixed
Melissa Prado Pinero commented
It should at least ask you to confirm that you want to double book, ESP with resources. We don't seem to have issues with staff, but resources keep getting doubled booked without us knowing and its causing a lot of issues.
Devon Ingber commented
A pop up NEEDs to show up while trying to book an appointment if a resource is already in use, not just small next to appointment. You should NOT be able to book when a resource is in use, or at the very least a pop up should CONFIRM that you want to double book a resource
Maurice Fielitz commented
When booking a service in person that requires a resource like a device or room it should alert the staff member that a resource is already in use and can’t be double booked if another appointment for the same service is booked for the same date and time. Online bookings doesn’t allow for double resource bookings, so why can’t Boulevard show an alert when booked in person.
“View Times” or “Best Times” isn’t always the best option for booking. Selected time on the calendar is usually the best option for in person.
Lilly McAllister commented
Need an alert when using the Select Time on Calendar option if the resource is already in use. View time is not always the most convenient option and time is selected on calendar and need to see if the required resource is already taken without double booking.
8. susan cassano commented
The system should alert the front desk when an appointment is being double booked. In fact, it should not allow this at all. Some people will book recurring appointments and your system will just book anything whether there is an appointment in the time slot or not. There is no warning and it creates problems. There has to be a way to prevent this.
Gabrielle Myers commented
Scheduling, no matter if online or in person should only have access to pull from the resources available and not allow over booking of equiptment. View times can be used for new appointments but that option is not available when rescheduling and this leaves too much room for error in double booking resources,
Christy Pedersen commented
When booking out a client for the year, we can repeat the appointment for number of weeks at a particular time , but it would be nice if there could be an alert that pops up if there is a scheduling conflict with another appointment that had already been scheduled.
Myodetox (strategic prospect) would also like this.
Melissa Prado Pinero commented
depending on how we book, it is easy to accidentally over book a resource. The site should have a pop up that lets you know the resource is already in use at that time before allowing you to book it. Also, if you select choose time on calendar, it will book a room resource but sometimes it will just overlap a room already being used even though there are free rooms open.
Bethany Bush commented
This is such a needed feature. We are constantly having to reschedule clients because they booked their appointment online and the system is letting them double book a resource.
Kym Hanson commented
Can you please add a pop up flag when booking a manual appointment on the schedule that says something like, "You are about to double book a resource, do you want to proceed?" I am not asking for the system to stop the ability to book that manual appointment but just another way for our front desk or other employees to have a reminder that they may be double booking a resource. Thank you!
Kristina Emmerich commented
YES! If the system is smart enough not to let clients online book if the resource is in use it should be able to throw a "are you sure you want to continue?" message up if staff are manually double booking a resource.
Judah Thompson commented
When setting repeat bookings, flag or notify when a time conflict comes up.
Bethany Bush commented
This has created quite a few issues for us. We have a large staff and even larger amount of services & there is nothing that alerts you if you double book a resource.. or double book anything for that matter. There really should be some line of protection against this happening
Ben Stevens commented
Related is when clicking on calendar you can choose "first available" for resource and it won't pick an available resource even if one is available.
As a fallback there should always be a warning if a resource is being overbooked.
Jessica Schiller commented
When a resource is already booked and we accidentally internally book it again at the same time by clicking "select time on calendar" instead of clicking "view times on calendar" which happens more often than not there should be a warning pop up saying "resource double booked!" or something along those lines. We have had to cancel and move a lot of people due to this issue. We have even color coded all resources but as we become busier and busier it is harder to manage.
Molly Hilditch commented
When booking recurring appointments there are overlapping with other ones. Suggest that it would let you know ahead of time before it drops them in
Robert Middleton commented
When booking out reoccurring appointments it would be great to have a pop-up warning letting you know that there is a scheduling conflict. Either do to another appointment at that time or scheduled time off. As it is now, the scheduler will just book a new appointment over an existing one or over time off making it very frustrating to go back and look for and correct all the overlapping.