Separating out Memberships from Product List
Memberships should live in the Memberships section of the Manage Business Tab and Manage Location so that there is information solely on products in the Products tab and memberships can be built and viewed in the Memberships tab.

Bryan Mock commented
Please give memberships its own revenue category from products. Or an easy way of separating it out of the reports. This creates a lot of issues for producing documentation when filing sales tax reports. Service packages also need to have their own category....
Bryan Bernstein commented
Hello, any updates on this yet? It's been nearly 6 months since "in progress". Memberships still living under products is killing us. I'm now exploring 3rd party options and additional costs to manage and report on our memberships because of how cumbersome this is with as many members as we have grown to. Please help!
Kim Schlais commented
A report that shows actual "Retail sales" not including packages, memberships and injectables. "Injectables' are considered a service, not a 'product sale".
Lindsey MacGrath commented
really hope this can be changed soon as it is skewing our reporting. I see it has been requested since 2020. Having packages in the products tab isnt making sense business wise for reporting reasons.
Adriane Jahnke commented
Please put service packages into services! It messes up commissions, you cant see when someone books a package, it makes everything so complicated.
Adriane Jahnke commented
Service Packages need to be under services! When someone books a service as a package it doesn't notify us that a service was booked unless we go to sales and then happen to find it. In addition it doesn't apply account credits to the service packages automatically. It would be helpful for reporting purposes to take service packages (vouchers) out of the Products category and have them as their own standalone.
Currently when you create a package for a service it has to be entered in as a product. This is misleading when you run a sales report as you see actual product sales and service package sales as one number.
Rachael Arnold commented
We also desperately need to be able to commission products and packages separately!
Amy Aranda commented
It also means we can not add a contract to sell the membership online. We need to be able to add the member contract at time of purchase.
Daniela Hayes commented
We would really love to have memberships separated from products! This really skews our sales reporting!
Michela Bonaventura commented
I don't think membership sales should show up under retail sales. It's not a product, it's a service so this throws off reporting for product sales. We obviously can subtract the membership sales total from the product sales but in the long run when we're doing monthly and yearly reports it would be easier to look at if memberships were under it's own category when it comes to reports.
Jamie xx commented
We perform many services and have membership options. Due to membership services being reported as product sales, this scews the numbers in reference to "price per service," product sales totals, etc. This is a big problem that needs attention.
Carlie Fruchtman commented
Would like memberships not to be seen in the system as a "product"
Bart commented
I have the same problem. Its February 2023 now, this should be prioritized asap I see I am not the only one who has this issue.
Amil Gasso commented
State and local sales tax are different for products and services. For example.
When we sell a package of SERVICES we need to make sure that on the report it is applied as a package not a Product. Products need to be taxed on both a state and local level. While cosmetic services have only local taxes. I have been sittting trying to get a report to pay my sales tax for the past 3 hours and now I'm going to end up doing a manually. With square it took 2 minutes..... THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED!!!!!
Caitlin Hart commented
The fact that packages and memberships are listed with retail products not only makes no sense and is confusing, but it messes up our reporting and payroll. For example, Kelsie P. sold 2 facial packages this week. That added thousands of $ to her(and our) retail report this week. So it looks like we sold more products than we did. At the end of the year this could even be a tax problem since we aren't paying sales tax on packages, and because our retail numbers will be so much higher than our costs of good sold. Also, this employee is now receiving a retail commission on her paycheck based off of her total retail number this pay period, thousands of which were actually service based packages which she is also paid a service commission on.
Maria Wells commented
Retail sales should be able to be shown seperate anf not intermixed with packages and memeberships. Make a seperate field for memeberships and packages. It's very confusing and time consuming to have to go through each employee and seperate. It would also be easier to calculate any commisions too.
Stephanie Inglehart commented
Having memberships sold under products throws off our retail $ & %. We need a membership that is under services.
Janine Susich commented
Any thoughts on making a new category called "Memberships" instead of lumping them under products? Thank you for your consideration. It would be easier to differentiate our true "product" sales if you could make this change.
Stephanie Inglehart commented
We'd love to offer clients special holiday packages with each season, but adding that as a "product" is an accounting NIGHTMARE (which is currently the only option). We'd like packages to show the original pricing upon checkout as well so our team gets gratuity based off the regular prices vs the promotion prices. Thanks!
Samantha Whitlock commented
Currently, Packages are only able to be categorized as Products, and we cannot separate them when running reports. We have to manually extract Packages from our retail reports and it makes our numbers inaccurate. It would make sense to have these under Gift Cards - since that is essentially what our packages are.