client checkout needs to be reflected with discounts and account credits (iPad)
Clients should see clearly discounts applied at checkout not the FULL AMOUNT ... as a med spa we utilize Alle discounts, gift card promos, and various discounts however at checkout clients only see the full amount not reflecting any discounts or applied credits. This must be fixed.

Ben Stevens commented
The duo checkout screen is not super clear about what is being charged to the credit card. I am often left trying to look at it and explain to people what exactly they will be charged. and then comforting them by saying they can call back if anything is wrong. If the screen was just super clear about what their card is being charged it would make all of that unnecessary.
Jacqui Edmond commented
Duo needs to show correct client amount owed when Client partial payment or credits have been applied. Screen shows full amount vs remaining amount and creates upset at checkout.
JT Sanabrais commented
This seemed like it was fixed for a day and now we've gone back to not seeing the full breakdown until after the client taps the card. Its very unprofessional and unnerving when we have to tell our client to "just trust us" to tap their card before they see the entire breakdown and hope they are being charged the correct amount. If i was a clinet I would not accept this.
Aleshia Regan commented
This is a constant problem at checkout that we have to share out loud their total instead of being able to be more discreet with just showing their total on the ipad. It really is frustrating when our patients don't see the proper total prior to paying.
We would prefer to be more discreet with not announcing how much people spend with us when there's other people in our waiting area in close proximity. -
Aimee Brigham commented
I would love the receipts to reflect what we see on our end (discounts) ...I am now having clients walk around the front desk to see the reflected discounts. I would also like them to see the quantities of products they purchased - for example, 34 units of Botox and 1 vial of Volux. Many of our patients want this for their records.
Sara Hargadon commented
THIS! We use BLVD for our system at TONI&GUY and I have to explain a lot to clients that no, you're not paying full price; there is a discount on here.
McKenzie Chavez commented
This and for vouchers, and membership benefits to be able to apply these on the app instead of always having to use a computer.
Heather Rodgers commented
I also wish it would prompt the tip amount based on the discounted pricing- actual amount paid vs. full amount prior to discounts. Clients do not pay attention and are leaving 110% gratuity when selecting 20% bc its going by the full amount, not amount being charged. Please fix
Adriane Jahnke commented
Why hasn't this been taken care of? People need to be able to see and apply their account credit online and at checkout!
Adriane Jahnke commented
This is incredibly vital! People don't want to utilize online checkout because they can't use the account credits they've acquired. Please apply account credit at online checkout.
Connie Principato commented
This is crucial! people are visual and need this as a reminder and push to return. When clients return the business wins and so does Boulevard. Needs This!
Jakeyla Reed commented
The fact that its been over a year and this isnt fixed is mind blowing
Margaret Haley commented
1000% needs priority attention. We have to "promise" clients/patients "not to worry" that they are getting charged the amount that pops up on the screen. It is an embarrassing situation, especially if there are other guests nearby. Please, please fix this.
Devon Ingber commented
Definitely very confusing for patients when checking out, please fix!!
Emma Culbertson commented
This is very important and a critical issue to our business. Please fix immediately!
Noel Jacinthe commented
Provide a full breakdown of cost on Ipad while checkout. Have to explain the full total add the end after each client, that eats up time.
They should be able to see the credit/deposit that was applied and gratuity while we are making the adjustments
these ipad or a waste if the only for check-in and do forms
link the duo's to the computer if thats the case -
Reyes Martinez-Arraras commented
100%!! It's very confusing
Toby Ross commented
This is an issue that affects our spa EVERY DAY.
Penelope Espaillat commented
When clients are checking out the DUO screen gives them a breakdown, but no total. Please add the total too.
Kate Kuban commented
This issue should be simple for the processor to correct. Truth be told, this would have been a deterrent to using Boulevard had the issue been disclosed from the start. The front staff relay a “ we promise you are only paying this amount” with every client. It's not important to you because your name isn't harmed by the implications of this message told to each and every client to justify how crooked it sounds, but ours ( the business) is. This needs attention.