Custom Automated Text Messages
Today we manually text message clients when certain actions or appointments are booked/take place. It would be great if we could build this message workflow and automate these steps. We have been complimented on our customer communication methods and this form of automation would ensure no client is being left behind.
For example:
Hi XXXXX - Thank you for letting us know about your cancellation. It is appreciated. Did you have an alternative date and time in mind that we could hold for you? XXXX @ Lash Lovers
Hi XXXXXX - We are looking forward to seeing you for your new full set of eyelash extensions tomorrow! We have prepared this helpful guide on how to prepare for your visit to achieve the best results. The "Prep" section is the most useful - Also, if you would like to save an additional $XXXXXX tomorrow, we can talk to you about our Refill Membership when you are here. You get 10% of your Refills, Products and Services, plus 50% ALWAYS on your full sets! It's month-on-month, pause/cancel any time! Look forward to seeing you soon! XXXXXX @ Lash Lovers
Hi XXXXXX - We are looking forward to seeing you for your new full set of eyelash extensions tomorrow! We have prepared this helpful guide on how to prepare for your visit to achieve the best results. The "Prep" section is the most useful - Look forward to seeing you soon! XXXXX @ Lash Lovers
Hi XXXXX - Thank you for spending time with us today. I am glad you enjoyed your experience! I am confident you we discussed the initial and ongoing after care of your lashes with you but as a helpful guide, please take a look at our dedicated page on our website for some additional tips! - As discussed, should you have any issues with your lashes over the next 2-3 days, no matter how small, let us know so we can take care of you. Look forward to seeing you again soon! XXXXX @ Lash Lovers
Hi XXXXX - I am reaching out to check how you are getting on with your lashes. I am cognizant that for all our guests that for many it's the first new full set in a while and I really want to ensure we take care of any premature shedding and problems if you have had any. Look forward to hearing from you. James @ Lash Lovers.

Lori Brooks commented
Every CRM my clinic has used has the ability to save text prompts for quick auto replies in the messages conversation screen
Saving Custom prompts for manual responses allowing customization at the users discretion- have a drop down menu by the GIF for quick replies to FAQ or statements especially for general front desk use or training or call outs etc.
examples relevant to staff scenarios where saved prompts can maximize efficiency:
1.Reminder for your appointment: Our clinic is located on 1214 E ROBINSON ST, ORLANDO,FL 32801. Be sure to park behind the building.
2.Hi [patient name] We have returned your call and left a voicemail please feel free to text us a better time to reach you or any questions you may have.
3. Upon check out: Thank you for your visit! Please leave us an honest review for 5% off your next service on [google review link]
4. Appointment instructions reminder: Hi! looks like you have yet to confirm appointment please reply YES to confirm [appointment time] [appointment date]
5.Hello! [client name] please see after-care instructions below
etc etc etc
This versatility will allow us as the consumers to manipulate solutions at our discretion avoiding constant implementation from your development team and this is VERY easy for a development team to add.
Mandy Rowe commented
Auto text every client when a purchase is made, to book their appointment. Auto follow up, up to 3 times, if they don't book the appointment.
Megan Foster commented
We would like to be able to create a customized auto text that can go to clients post appointment to say thank you and include a link to our google reviews to offer an incentive to leave a review. Such as $10 off next service.
Georgie Perry commented
It would be great if an automated text could be sent to clients if they text or call a location after its business hours. Letting them know when the business hours are, when they can expect a response, and how to book online.
Melissa Prado Pinero commented
We would like to automatically send out a thank you text when client checks out including a link to leave us a review.
It would be even better if we could also have customized texts for each service so it would also include their aftercare for the service they received.
Rick Vencill commented
I would the ability to send out smart reminders based on treatments. For instance someone gets Botox. We can set a reminder text to be auto sent out at a set interval reminding them they’re due and to schedule. This would be smart enough to know if they have an appointment on the books and not to send a reminder if that is the case. This would be a game changer.
Erika Eros commented
Send a text after their appointment asking how for review
Julia Anderson-Dose commented
This would be great to have it almost like Google Calendar events, where you can add as many notifications as you want. We have a Rental Stylist who will not use our Boulevard booking because of this. She still uses her own personal booking service, which makes everything confusing for our Location Manager, and for the clients when they try to check in on the iPad.
Vannessa Houlihan commented
Able to send out 2-3 text reminders. We came from a program that offered this option so our guests are used to the confirmation text but then receive reminder texts that are custom set for timing. many of our guests found the reminder texts helpful and it prevented no shows.
Currently guests don't receive any texts if they confirm through email and once they confirm, receive no reminders.
It would really help to add these options!
Rick Vencill commented
We currently use a program called Podium for all of our texts. This is a huge missed opportunity for BLVD to have a similar service. It would be great to be able to set up automated texts for the following: Birthdays, Review Requests (after checkout), New Leads, etc.
Pattie Pruitt commented
It would be great to be able to send out 2 appt reminder texts
Andrea Suarez commented
It would be nice for clients to receive an appointment booking confirmation text (not just an email) and more than 1 text reminder before their appointments. This would help to have fewer last minute cancellations. Most clients check their texts more often than emails.
Danielle Smith commented
Clients get an appointment reminder text message the day before their appointment. Whether they have confirmed or not.
Gilded Salon commented
add a tool to text client confirmations 1 week prior to their appointment and then the day before their scheduled appointment. the emails go missed and clients get confused about when their upcoming appointments are.
Bart commented
IT would be good if after an appointment is finished, clients receive a text message with a thank you, letting them know of their next appointment, and giving them a fast link to leave a google review. In-app reviews BLVD dont matter as much as Google / FB / Yelp.
Amber Leonard commented
Is there any way to add the service name and start of time of the first 2-3 services within an appointment? Some patients see multiple providers in 1 appointment. Both providers get a text when the client arrives but one of the providers will not be seeing them until later -- having the visibility of what treatments they're scheduled for and the times has been requested by our providers. It would look something like:
Client has arrived
Mary smith
10:00am Facial
11:00am Botox -
Nicole Jordan Hubert commented
Hi. I would like to urgently request a few things regarding messages. First, and mot urgently, we need a customizable auto-reply for texts. This is necessary on days when (like today) our receptionist called out sick and we do not have anyone manning the messages thread. Clients will feel ignored and we have no way to communicate to them that we are short staffed at the moment. It is a threat to the quality of our customer service. Second (and less urgently but still equally logical), we would like to request being able to customize the confirmation texts that get sent out to clients. Thank you.
Kellodie Tassa commented
We would like the ability to add additional automatic texts. This could be used for something like a Welcome text for all clients with confirmed appointments for that day, or letting them know we need a new form of payment if the one on file has expired. Things like this
Brenna Smith commented
Be able to set a specific time of day when the text reminders are sent out.
Briana Hubbard commented
Would like the staff name begin to auto populate when typing in the name for gratuity on a new ticket not associated with a service.