Feedback on Voucher Update
Hello Blvd, Not pleased with the Voucher update. The receipt is very confusing to read for our clients. I need to explain how to read the receipt. Which was a surprise to read at first for me too, until Blvd chat helped me understand the breakdown.
It does not help with our accounting, the Reports on the daily summaries includes the voucher amount taken in for the day. So we need to manually subtract the voucher amount from our total received because we already have collected that amount when the client/s had purchased their series or membership before they came in for their service. It is a double collection in our reports if we don't subtract the vouchers.
The Reports and Summaries part is definitely the hardest part to calculate for our records, because it shows we collect more money than we made for the day and there is no way but manually to subtract the vouchers from total earned.

Michelle Tinajero commented
These added updates to the vouchers (which are our Prepaid Series and Prepaid Memberships) has been frustrating, even our account has issues with daily summaries. This is a consent issue, and I have just come to realize when a client leaves a deposit for a service for example; on 12/21 and checks out on 1/02, it does not come up on the sales order list for the day of 1/02, you would need to find the clients name and see when they made the deposit and there you will see the completed check out on the 12/21 sales list, though client completed the appointment on 1/02. I don't know who made this algorithm or even suggested it , but it does not work for us. Still find it frustrating and not useful.
Margaret Haley commented
There are a few big glitches with the voucher overhaul... One applies to "Free" vouchers we may hand out and the other applies to "free" vouchers we add to the monthly beauty bank memberships. Oh, and then there's free vouchers we may add to sweeten a package that the client gets like a gift with purchase. In all cases, a phantom dollar amount is being added by BLVD even though NO MONEY exchanged hands for the free services. This PHANTOM revenue is now a taxable event and a bookkeeping nightmare. We have reported DETAILED examples of how invoices now appear as though clients paid for things that they were gifted from the business. Support is not understanding what a nightmare this has become. If I give someone a free $125 facial for attending an event, their checkout should reflect $0.00, and not the $125 voucher redemption BLVD has decided to add so now the order history for that client shows a $125 taxable transaction. This is insane.
Regina Valentini commented
I agree wholeheartedly with the feedback presented here and would like to add additional feedback. Firstly, for businesses that sell voucher packages, most often the revenue is recorded when the package is sold (NOT when the voucher is redeemed). To add line items with dollar amounts for vouchers redeemed is not only confusing to all involved, it leads to a double recording of revenue unless the voucher payments are manually deducted as others have mentioned. Furthermore, we have been testing this feature at our business and found that when a voucher membership renews, and the client receives vouchers for free services as a result of paying their membership fee, those vouchers are assigned a bogus dollar amount when redeemed. This is only going to lead to more problems down the road. This must be changed. We are no longer able to redeem vouchers in our business, we are having to zero out services at check out and manually delete the associated voucher just to show the client an accurate receipt, but this also leads to more bookkeeping problems and room for error. We are asking for a workaround in Boulevard to "turn off" vouchers as a payment method and restore things back to how they worked before this change was implemented.
Sara Sarraf commented
It is a complete nightmare !!! Nothing is adding up/ The vouuchers are for PREPAID services and now it seems as we are making money. we have to manually subtract everything and accounting is a nightmare for us. why change something that was working just fine ?? I have contacted support and multiple people and no one is understanding the issues it has created even thought they seem to think its better. Clients are receiving email receipt with a random fee and we are getting calls daily.