Remove vouchers from client profile when package is refunded
Currently when a service package is refunded, any vouchers that were granted stay on the client profile and need to be manually voided. Ideally, vouchers would automatically be removed when a client is refunded for their purchase

Clarissa Mezquitic-Nava commented
This is an issue my practice has run into recently and is impacting our accounting.
House Admin commented
This is a BIG problem at our spa. It makes no sense for voucher to stay in the system after it's refunded. We've had clients who have used the same high dollar vouchers (for dermal fillers or botox packages) multiple times because they weren't manually voided after a refund while we were learning this system. This glitch has cost us thousands of dollars in our first few months on Blvd. There is no easy way to find all of them that may have been missed. This really must be fixed.