Client List & Audience Creation Filtering

Jenna Bisk commented
Hi there! We had a client asked to be removed from marketing eblasts for a specific service provider. With our previous software, there was a way to manually "uncheck" specific clients from receiving eblasts per their request. This would be a great feature to be able to implement when saving an audience under "Clients" in Boulevard.
Pattie Pruitt commented
It would be a great feature to have the ability to create an audience for clients that have an upcoming appointment. To be able to send the email campaign out prior to the service appt.
Ben Stevens commented
The client search from the magnifying glass or on the client tab is amazing. I can search "Meggan" and it will show me all results close to that, including the one I needed which was spelled "Maggan"
When I search orders or gift cards by client name, it needs to be spelled exactly correct to be found. This fuzzy search would be really handy in more places so I don't need to search in the client tab, then go search gift cards to find the proper record I need.
morten petersen commented
ability to choose and/or filtering options or has or has not options AND a future appointment filter
Jeremy Shieh commented
In the Clients tab, it would be great to have more filter features:
* Client does have future appt
* Client does not have future appt
* Customize date range beyond or more specific than current presets such as "Client last visit occurred between xx/xx/xx and xx/xx/xx, or on xx/xx/xx specifically"
* Client has active voucher
* Client has #X number of appts within time range
* Client has purchased product
* Client has online booking set up
* Client does not have online booking set up
* Client has discounted services
* Client has similar account to another account (for purposes of finding the ones that likely should be merged)Many of these may can be located in reports, but this would not be as useful for purpose of marketing via email or SMS to them.