Better Inventory Reporting
Would love a detailed report for inventory. One that shows you "hot & cold" inventory or inactive inventory.
- listing products from most purchased to least purchased.
- A report that shows inactive inventory. No sales and no inventory adjustments made during a specific time period.
Currently the only way to do this is by clicking each individual product in inventory to show "last purchased on, last inventory update on etc." Different reporting options for inventory would be so helpful in keeping inventory in line with current demand regarding the set max and mins.

Lori Brooks commented
in addition to everything listed above as a medical practice the ability to input more details on inventory is IMPERATIVE as we manage inventory down to the milligram usage and milligram pricing.
PLEASE FACILITATE to have set up, tracking and reporting available for inventory items with net cost, price and retail allowing option to easily choose what is visible to client view and internal view.
enable product items to have inventory descriptions with option to populate on their receipt for compliance purposes such as medical disclaimers etc.
compliment this with reporting that can reflect:
-purchase order $ amounts spent
-product and service sales
gross vs net revenue after factoring the cost based on purchase order amounts
-average per service and/or client etc. -
Hilda H commented
Inventory / Product Usage should have its own report that can be broken down by type/brand of product. What is the point of putting inventory in if you can't track and report on the usage. Add in cost / pricing so that we can track profitability and ROI by product also.
Adlin Palencia commented
It is imperative that we get a way to look into historical inventory counts without having to use manual math and comparing two reports. We need a report that will show us exact inventory counts based on date.
Kelly Shine commented
create a report for inventory counts. add a column for actual on hand so we can print and pencil in the actual on hand next to the expected on hand, then enter the actual count into the saved report and it will update in the system.
Amy S. commented
We need better reporting on products. I need to know my top selling skus. What products have sold during certain time periods, etc.... Just better retail sales reporting all together.
heather rose commented
I need to balance inventory at with our Balance Sheet at the end of the year.
Ben Stevens commented
Retail prices shown in beta reports are consistently 100 times higher than they should be.
Amanda Ohearn commented
I need an aging report for products so we can see what we need to put on sale.
Isabel Tirado commented
There should be a place where we can write specific notes about inventory adjustments that are being made. This should show up on the Inventory Adjustment Report to better understand adjustments after the fact.
AdminFlavia Leon (Admin, Boulevard) commented
It would be helpful for partners who use Shopify off of Blvd to accurately track their inventory
Daly Wolfe commented
For a spa that does high volume of product sales we receive a discount on wholesale. Would like to be able to enter our cost into product details as well as unit cost and retail price. Then have a report that would let us see how our margins compared to the wholesale margin without our discount
Daly Wolfe commented
Quick way to filter Professional and Retail products on Inventory and Product reports so we don't have to reference all of the product categories
Daly Wolfe commented
Need to know wholesales values for total inventory at the start and end of each month. A report that would show, by day, the total wholesale value and total retail value of all inventory that was on hand that day
Daly Wolfe commented
Would like to run color inventory through Boulevard, without it impacting my sales reporting, products sales averages, etc... a way to checkout inventory that would keep it separate from retail sales
David Abrams commented
Need to have a better understanding of usage by stylist. Would like a report to show number of specifics color services by stylist to see where the color products are being used and help when planning for future POs
Genavieve Lynch commented
Hi - I have a request. Can you add the supplier to the Inventory On Hand
So when doing the export on that report I can reconcile that all the products have the correct supplier selected - currently you have no place I can check this.. you have to click through every product and then click edit to see the supplier attached to a product