Cancellation Reports
Able to filter cancelled appointments or cancelled new clients so we can email those clients to try to get them in again!

Jenna Yee commented
Cancellation report for all locations, allowing selection of a date range.
Elyse Spa Haus commented
A report that can pull all cancellations per reason, for a given time range. For instance all of staff cancellations year to date.
Lou Clark commented
Would like the ability to pull a report providing data on cancelled appointments.
Allison Bridges commented
we need a range of dates not one date at a time for cancelation page
Cristi Paschall commented
The current cancellation list does not allow for a date range you have to go through each day. Would like a list of all clients that have cancelled in last 90 days.
Sean Duprey commented
Requesting a feature to be able to run reporting for cancelled appointments. Ideally be able to sort by dates and service providers.
Shelby Morrison commented
As an owner it would be nice to run a report to determine no-show and cancelled appointments over a time period because I want to determine patterns and correlate data.
Zella Cuyler commented
Although we can manually check all cancelled appointments, as business owners, we need this in our dashboard as well. I'd like to see which service providers have gotten the most cancellations, what days are they occurring on, the typical reasons, how many per week are we averaging, which clients specifically.
Pattie Pruitt commented
It is very important to have the data of canceled appointments to be in reporting.
Rick Vencill commented
This needs to be added. I would like to see Date, Customer Name, Appt Date, Provider, Reason for Cancellation, if they Rescheduled and Date of Reschedule. Please add!
Shelby Morrison commented
Having the ability to drill down more into the data around cancelled/no show appointments. Having the ability to sort by service provider would also help understand patterns.
Debbie Miller commented
Customers have requested a Report that shows list of clients that cancelled on date, reason, staff member.
Debbie Valdez commented
first report. to be able to locate duplicate client profiles then to be able to click on them to merge them. and the second report to be able to pull a cancelation report per day then able to click on the client and see how many cancelations they have.
Jeremy Shieh commented
Reports that work to determine total amount of cancellation fees charged over a period of time.
Reports to determine which service providers are being no-showed the most and by how much.
Ranking report to show which day of week is most cancelled, which months, which staff, etc.
Axel Lillsunde commented
A report that provides insight into no-shows and cancellations
Rianne Rivadeneira commented
We would like to have a tab to list clients that have canceled or not showed up for 2 reasons:
1. In case it was accidentally canceled
2. To have an idea of the amount of money that was potentially lost, especially when they do not show up.Thank you!
Rianne Rivadeneira commented
We would like to have a tab to list clients that have canceled or not showed up for 2 reasons:
1. In case it was accidentally canceled
2. To have an idea of the amount of money that was potentially lost, especially when they do not show up.Thank you!
Jamie Kim commented
As cancellations directly impact our sales, we want to be able to track the amount of self-cancellations and when and why they are happening. The Appointment Service Records report in BETA has the information in there, but is not easily readable with IDs. We would need these translated into client name, service name, staff name etc.