Allow us to mark messages as unread
we have multiple people reviewing messages, and want to mark it as unread so others can know that there is a new message and it needs to be addressed

Beret Loncar commented
Pls do this. We have managers and reception reading things and its complicated
Marisol Garcia commented
We end up responding late or sometimes never because we have two locations and when the notification pops up the staff is naturally inclined to view it but may not have the answer and it can get lost in the daily shuffle.
Trina Wilson commented
need to be able to reasign or mark message as unread after read to make sure it gets addressed and not lost in the messages
House Admin commented
Being able to mark as unread, flagging and being able to tag staff members would make messages so much more useful. We lose messages constantly because appt reminders and so many other messages are moving through our system. Automated messages should not be in the main message page at all.
Heather J commented
PLEASE do this! We have 6 locations and messages are mistakenly opened and then get lost in the shuffle.
Carol Bradley commented
This would be huge for our practice, as we often have messages directed towards specific staff members that get missed due to the wrong person opening them.
Dolce Vita Salon commented
pleas please make an option to mark messages as unread or flag messages that need attention. Thanks!!