Track blocks
Ability to track blocked hours to be able to see how much time your staff is blocked off to be able to compare to how that impacts their pay.

Jeremy Shieh commented
Adding to this that I feel management adding blocks such as lunches and required breaks should be categorized as blocks that take up time but are not held against staff. If there was a way that blocks added by non-managerial staff were instead categorized as personal. Then a report to determine total business versus personal blocks done over a period of time. I know that there already is business and personal but I do not understand how this equates into reports and there doesn't appear to be a way to analyze it.
In addition we do allow for our staff to add blocks on occasion if they know they are going to be late or need to leave early, creating a category "incidental personal" so that we can give them at their reviews a hard number; in 2023 you personally altered your schedule by 1.5 hours a week on average. The company wants to recognize that you always are late monday mornings, to help both of us why not we adjust your monday shifts to start 1.5 hours later.
This reporting would also help identify staff that are abusing boulevard scheduling without relying on staff to look at schedules constantly. In addition if the reporting also showed all blocked time including deleted ones then we could detect who is putting blocks and then removing them, ergo cheating the system and the company.