Apply business charge when a voucher is used
Still apply the business charge when a voucher is used

Jennifer Sepielli commented
is there any update on this?
Ashley Bean commented
This is SUCH a huge problem for us and creates so much busy work. Please fix this ASAP Boulevard!
Laura Locricchio commented
This is so important every Package/Treatment Voucher that has a business charge for product is not deducted. This has to be done manually and is a huge pain as we have to view each individual appointment and than go back and deduct.
Jennifer Sepielli commented
When paying employees commission, for regular services the system subtracts out cost first. But if we sell a package, it is a "voucher" and doesn't take out the cost of the service. We need it to be treated as the regular service is and take the cost out.
Jennifer Sepielli commented
We presell packages at discounts. When we go to claim the voucher, its not taking out the cost of service before paying the employee commission. Some of these cost of services are high and they need to come out before commission is paid.