Require new credit card to book online if existing card is expired
We have had clients book online and not input a new credit card because Boulevard had a card on file. The card on file is expired by more than 12 months. Please either delete the card on file after the expiration date, or require a new card when booking online if the card on file is expired.

Beret Loncar commented
90% of our no show charges do not go through...please make sure the cards are valid at the time of booking. We do not have a lot of no shows since blvd added the policy to the the ones we do have never go through. People are aware that they are using bad cards. We had one woman say 'thats my booking card' and give us a new one for her no show so she could come back.
If we were hotels etc we could not do biz this way. Requiring deposits cause a lot of friction. We do it for our very highly priced svs but it would be better just to do a penny charge per booking. -
Brenda Harmon commented
Would love if BLVD removed expired credit cards and required a new one to be placed on file. Not every business takes deposits so that is not an option.
Sam C commented
If you implement deposits for your appointments made online they wont be able to use expired cards fyi