Expiration dates on Gift Cards

This is not a planned priority for Boulevard at this time however we will continue to evaluate the needs of our customers against consumer protection measures defined by federal and state laws when considering this feature for development.
Holly Sharpe commented
IF you are not WILLING to do this - ALLOW A THIRD PARTY INTEGRATION. It is not required by law for your company to default to no expiration dates. Meevo allows it, Booker allows it and so do all of the other software platforms I have used.
Holly Sharpe commented
It should be up to each business to set this feature like ALL other software platforms. Federal Law is 5 years for expiration and then broken down by state. You are not legally required to police this, it is up to the business to check with their local laws. You are currently preventing businesses from being able to set expiration dates in accordance with federal law. They can adjust accordingly by local law, but you are not allowing for any expiration where it is allowed and legal.
Holly Sharpe commented
It is important for us to have the option of expiration dates on gift cards. You could add this with a toggle feature so that businesses who do not wish to have expiration dates can turn off the feature and those of us who would like to set expiration dates can set a default like five years for instance. Gift cards are a liability and if they are never set to expire they devalue the business. Things happen, people lose their gift cards cards, they move away, they die...etc. and we don't want this liability hanging over our heads for the life of the business. If you cannot do this, a third party app would be nice so that we could still utilize the gift card feature. Shopify integrates, but only with a $2,000 a month shopify plan which is out of reach for most of us.
It would also be nice to have this as an option for account credits. We charge a cancellation fee for all short notice cancelations, but we offer a partial account credit to these clients who have unforeseen circumstances as a one time courtesy so long as they return to our business within 30 days. So for us, to be able to issue the credit or voucher to their account with an expiration would allow us to do this without having to remember to go in and remove the credit after 30 days.
Vennessa Ortiz commented
Can there be an auto setting that all gift cards expire after a certain amount of years, for us five but this would be settable by the business. (optional for those businesses who do not allow expiration)
AdminFlavia Leon (Admin, Boulevard) commented
Ex: git cards expire after 3 years of purchasing
Wendy Quinonez commented
When clients purchase gift certificates/cards, there should be functionality to apply an expiration to those cards which would automatically clear those from the system. The reports would then reflect the correct gift card/cert liability.