Individual booking widget links per service provider
Allow booking widget workflow to be specific to service provider where a link would take a client to the services specific to the service provider and then to appointment availability to allow service providers to easily share with clients.

Joanna Hooten commented
The fact that an established patient is not preferentially rebooked/offered to schedule with their provider even if they are available detracts from building up clients and adds extra work of having to contact to move a patient. Patients are not always ready to prebook (the other recommended option by boulevard). This is a significant drawback. We should either have a setting on booking algorithm or clients should be prompted to rebook services/providers unless the provider is unavailable
Liv Seidel commented
please, yes! I offer a number of services across various categories and i find it confuses people when they want to book with me. being able to copy a link to *all services provided by x practitioner* would be life changing!
Chantal Miller commented
Our Providers need direct links to add to their socials and reach out to their clients for direct booking.
Katie Astoria commented
Valerie Norris commented
Yes please to this idea.
On our website we have a bio page for each stylist and would like to have a link on that page that opens a booking flow that is specific to that stylist. We had this ability previously with Square Appointments, and it makes for less friction for the client if they are coming from reading the bio page and decide to book with that person. -
Brenna Smith commented
Have individual booking links for each service provider.
Stephanie Del Russo commented
It would be great if every stylist had a personal URL that they could post on their IG & give to clients for direct booking
Lisa Lee commented
On Fellow Barber's website, they have individual profiles (not fully fleshed out yet) for each barber and would like to add a booking widget for each one.