Commission on discounted services should be covered by business
We would like to cover the service commission difference when a discount is applied. If a 25% discount is applied, our stylist does not make the full amount for commission and it requires some manual work on our end to calculate outside of BLVD.
Vance Soto commented
The ability to pay service providers their full rates on discounted services and having the payroll reports reflect that.
Brenna Smith commented
Give service providers commission on the full price rather than the discounted price when a discount is applied.
Ben Stevens commented
Having easy visibility into what discounts are included in payroll whether they are paid or not would be VERY beneficial with any updates to payroll reporting.
Stacy Webb commented
This is a Payroll nightmare when applying discounts. The service commission reflects the discounted amount, not the service list price. I know we can change this option for vouchers but discounts is also needed.