Block clients from booking with specific service provider
Some service providers prefer not to provide services for specific clients, but they are welcome to book with others. If there was a block function, we would not have to manually change appointment times/dates on other schedules.

Gustavo Marinelli commented
It does not happen often, but some stylists do not feel comfortable to take some specific guests and the guests keep rebooking online, which can be an issue. Creating a step where internally the business can select stylist availability to clients would be very helpful
Erica Smith commented
A stylist had a new client that she did not want to have again. We don't want to block the client from seeing someone else, but we want to prevent them from booking with said stylist again, since it wasn't a good fit.
Emily Hankemeier commented
We would like to block certain clients from booking online with certain providers, rather than blocking the client from booking online at all. Sometime clients aren't a great fit for a stylist, but would find a better match elsewhere within our company.
Brenna Smith commented
Ability to block clients from booking with certain staff members,
Rebecca Ezolt commented
Sometimes a client is just not the right fit for a specific provider - but other providers would be willing to service that client. Might we add to the "Block Client" feature to allow us to block a client from booking with a specific service provider and not just the entire salon?
Sean Cullen commented
We have a few barbers that have requested that they do not want to see a client in the future (with a range of justifiable reasons). It would be great if there was a way to block a client from seeing a particular barber vs. blocking them from the entire company.
Erin Bruce commented
We have a stylist who is no longer comfortable servicing a certain guest, we have tagged the guest but she is still able to book online with that stylist. The only way to currently prevent is by blocking that client from booking on line completely.
Rowan Castelhano commented
It would be helpful if we could choose who is available for new clients so that providers with full books could close their books to new people and less established providers have a chance to be the first option for new clients.
Shannon Peters commented
While this doesn't happen too often, sometimes a client is unhappy with a haircut and/or is disrespectful to the barber. In order to protect the barber from future uncomfortable interactions or general rudeness, I think it would be helpful to have an option to block clients from being able to return / book with specific barbers. Of course, this would be used sparingly and moderately but I feel could be a good tool to avoid future negative experiences.