Waitlist only available on days with published schedules
Ability to tie waitlist to business hours/published schedules

Alyssa Badiou commented
Would like an option to only be able to add to waitlist when there are no available times.
Lake Alen commented
If a stylist is not scheduled for the particular day that a client has requested, it would be nice if a message such as the "{name} done not usually perform this service" ie. "{name} is not typically scheduled for this day/time" pop up letting the client know that it is unlikely their waitlist request will be fulfilled.
Jacky Gourdier commented
This is really critical for us. We get tons of waitlist requests for dates/times that will never be available.
Claire Foley commented
Right now, Guests can join the waitlist even if a stylist is not in the salon on that day. They should not be able to do this if the stylist is not even in the salon. Is there a way to make sure guests can only join the waitlist on the designated day stylists books are open?
Anita Rabie commented
We are closed Sundays and Mondays.
Clients should only be allowed to add themselves to days we are operating only!
clients are adding themselves to Sundays and Mondays then we have to text them to let them know we are closed.. kinda looks unprofessional and a hassle. -
Beret Loncar commented
The waitlist is not super useful as it is. 1. it really is only used by regular clients who know someone is working. 2. We have to reach out to them when an opeing opens. 3. They add themselves to days and holidays no one is working. 4. it is only useful for those who have come in....any new client will just move to the next spa/location. For those clients, we need a feature that encourages them to call. Ie if we are booked today or the apt is in a lead time call.
Kelly Shine commented
not allow people to join the waitlist for days the salon is closed or for stylists who are not on the schedule that day.
Brenna Smith commented
Ability to close the waitlist on days that the business is closed.
Andrea Capps commented
We have clients waitlisting themselves for hours/days the business is not open. Waitlists should only offer services during normal business hours and, ideally, would only offer times slots that the preferred service provider is schedule.
Lauren Gish commented
I have many people that are adding themselves to the waitlist for stylists that aren't working that day. It's creating alot of confusion. Plz turn this off!
Kelly Shine commented
The waitlist should only be for staff working that day. I have a client on the waitlist for a specific stylist who doesn't even work that day.
Melanie Isaacs commented
Either give them a notice that the stylist they've selected doesn't work that day or don't allow it at all.
Jeremy Shieh commented
Causes confusion that clients think that staff is there everyday.
Richelle Oslinker commented
disable allowing people to add themselves to a waitlist when we aren't open