When checking in a client, it would be helpful to have a status alert signifying whether or not a client/patient has completed all of the forms corresponding to their appointment. Currently, the system would require to person checking them in to either:
a.) Wait for them to check-in at the reception iPad (or do it for them) and receive the "You have # forms to complete message"
b.) Manually navigate from the Front Desk/Schedule view -> Client Profile -> Forms and Charts
c.) Manually check the appointment itself for forms status (which is not always applicable, as some forms are not explicitly linked to the appointment/treatment being received on that day or time)
In summary, it would be best to have a small indicator somewhere easily viewable by the receptionist or other software user which notifies them if a client's status is "Missing Forms" or "Forms Complete" without additional hassle to gather this information.
When checking in a client, it would be helpful to have a status alert signifying whether or not a client/patient has completed all of the forms corresponding to their appointment. Currently, the system would require to person checking them in to either:
a.) Wait for them to check-in at the reception iPad (or do it for them) and receive the "You have # forms to complete message"
b.) Manually navigate from the Front Desk/Schedule view -> Client Profile -> Forms and Charts
c.) Manually check the appointment itself for forms status (which is not always applicable, as some forms are not explicitly linked to the appointment/treatment being received on that day or time)
In summary, it would be best to have a small indicator somewhere easily viewable by the receptionist or other software user which notifies them if a client's status is "Missing Forms" or "Forms Complete" without additional hassle to gather this information.