Currently when booking from your mobile app it does not grab/ assign a resource for the service being booked. This limits service providers ability to book from their phones or i pads (which can be a crucial time saver).
The resource being assigned is essential when you have a limited amount of resources available. For example you may have 2 body waxing rooms available but 6 people on the schedule that can provide services performed using that resource. The providers would and should be able to book on their mobile device without worry of overbooking a resource. However currently the only way to safely do this is from the actual computer.
Currently when booking from your mobile app it does not grab/ assign a resource for the service being booked. This limits service providers ability to book from their phones or i pads (which can be a crucial time saver).
The resource being assigned is essential when you have a limited amount of resources available. For example you may have 2 body waxing rooms available but 6 people on the schedule that can provide services performed using that resource. The providers would and should be able to book on their mobile device without worry of overbooking a resource. However currently the only way to safely do this is from the actual computer.