offers- more usable for marketing not just discounts
Offers should have more options.
-----The apply to all should not affect appointments already booked; it renders it fairly unusable. You can always do that manually as well. Most do not want to discount things already booked, it does not make sense. We should be using discounts to drive more money not less.
-----Those same offers should be represented in the booking flow. Blvd is very siloed and some of the areas do not talk to each other, it is up to us to get that info out and it is HARD. If there is an auto-applied offer, that discount should be noted in the area where people are shopping so they can be directed to the cheaper apt, which is no doubt where we want them to go. For example we would like to auto apply 9am slots so we can get everyone in for the day.
----Please make a toggle for stackable/not stackable. We want to have robust marketing but its pretty impossible to have multiple active codes if they're all stackable. We do not want to work for free.
-----Please make some way to track this all. it is super hard to tell what is active and what is not. I would love to know when a valid offer expires either through a pop up, light up or email or just by looking at the list and easily seeing.
-------The future of robust systems is that it is more than booking it is an all in one marketing system that operates like a funnel to do that we need the bits talking and we need more management tools.