Downloaded reports have usable data
Downloading to a *.csv file results in unexplainable date formats that are not readable for graphing our analysis like Code Interpreter such as spitting out a date in this format: 2022-11-30T00:00:00
Why would BLVD just export it as a normal date? This is the case for numbers too. Almost every other report I download to analyze requires converting downloaded numbers into numbers because BLVD default is downloading them as "text". These are extra steps and burdensome to small business owners who should expect numbers to be downloaded as numbers and dates downloaded as usable date formats.
Shelby Morrison commented
The current format requires manual changing i.e 2023-01-17T00:00:00 is not a date interpreted by any analytics software. This manual adjustment takes hours to clean.
Ben Stevens commented
It is very frustrating that numbers aren't numbers and the dates are combined to include the time so Excel won't see it as a date. I find many reports to be very frustrating to manage once they are in Excel (but still light years beyond trying to filter and sort them in the report viewer)
[Deleted User] commented
These are the results when you download an excel file, not csv to be clear. I even added a column and it won't download that column as an excel file, but it will as a csv file. Customizing a product report consists of the following adjustments: 1) Find/replace date format with T00:00:00 with a blank space to get usuable date format, 2) select all cells with numbers and convert text to numbers, 3) download csv to get "product category" added to report to show up, copy and paste the column into excel file. You just shouldn't have to manage downloaded reports like this. Very frustrating.